Call for session proposals for the 19th International Observatory on Participatory Democracy(IOPD) conference in Iztapalapa, Mexico


The 19th Conference of The International Observatory on Participatory
Democracy (IOPD)
will be held in Iztapalapa, Mexico City, from December 7 to 10
of 2019.
 This edition will be developed around the theme “Participatory Cities with Full Rights. Participatory Democracy and Right to City”, and the call for session proposals is open. All the members and partners of the network, as well as all the participants who want to be part of the conference are invited to present proposals.

The OIDP is a network of more than 1000 cities of all over the world and all associations,
organizations and research centers interested in learning about, exchange impressions and carry
out experiences of participatory democracy at local scale. It works in collaboration with the
United Cities and Local Governments organization (UCLG). The Mayor’s Office of Iztapalapa has the honor to lead the IOPD during 2019.
 You can propose sessions of different character within the framework of the established program and its thematic axes. Parallel and networking activities proposed
by IOPD members, academic, political and municipal bodies, as well as by social networks
and movements are also welcome. The proposals will be selected by the programming committee, based on
criteria of quality and diversity according on the availability of spaces
The Conference is structured in 3 thematic axes:
  • Axis 1. The stage. From the (neo)liberal city to the construction of democratic cities.
  • Axis 2. The director of the play and the actors in dispute.
    Who and how decide and make cities today? 
  • Axis 3. The desired plot and the projected outcome. Participatory cities with full rights. Societies and cities in co-construction.
The deadline for proposals of sessions is September 15, 2019.
They can be submitted in
english, spanish, and french. Please follow this link to submit your proposal online.
You can find more information in this document or at the conference’s website.
For specific questions, comments, or concerns,
please write to placing “Participatory Cities with Full
Rights” in the subjet.