Dear Members and Friends:
and the Egyptian Center for Civic and Legislative Reform ask your
urgent cooperation in sending a message of support for the Imbaba
community (Cairo) facing destruction of the homes and displacement. These recent violations affect more than 30 families so far.
Your IMMEDIATE ACTION is needed to urge the Egyptian authorities to:
· Immediately
provide suitable alternative accommodation for the affected residents
as part of their right to reparations, and rehouse those affected as
they were in the past, compensating them financially for their lost
property and other
· Develop
an immediate plan to develop the Imbaba area in partnership with its
current inhabitants, improving facilities and basic services and
involving citizens in the urban development process, consistent with
General Comment No. 4 of the
· Pursuing accountability of the staff of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation
technically responsible for repairs and maintenance, the municipal
engineers and staff as
responsible for this disaster. Public accountability can be ensured by
strengthening the role of society in the oversight and accountability
local officials in their area.
· Ensure
that the officials of both the district and governorate address
residents’ concerns and provide the necessary information on all public
and private development plans, operations and maintenance consistent
with their human right to information;
· And, make full reparations to those persons affected by the eviction and demolition.
Full details of the case (in Arabic and English versions) are currently available at A sample letter, including contact information for the necessary duty-holders, is attached for your convenience. Or, please visit on the HIC-HLRN website under “Solutions and Tools” and simply click on Support for this case to automatically send the Urgent Action letter from you.
Many thanks for your attention, solidarity and cooperation.
HLRN Urgent Actions Team