Election of HIC Board representative(s) in Middle East/North Africa, Latin America and Africa

HIC Middle East/North Africa

Guidelines for
Nomination of Candidates for MENA Representatives to the HIC Board (2014 –

Call to Nomination
of Candidates for Regional Representatives to the HIC Board (MENA 2014 – 2018)

Election of
Representative to the Board – MENA 2014

HIC Latin America

(ii) The
term of HIC Latin America representatives, Mrs. Carmen González (Fundación
Promotora de Vivienda – Costa Rica) and Mrs. María Carla Rodríguez (Movimiento
de Ocupantes e Inquilinos – Argentina), and alternates Mr. Benedito Barbosa
(Uniao Nacional por Moradia Popular – Brazil), and Mr. Felix Yanes (Centro
Memorial Martin Luther King Jr. – Cuba) will expire in October  2014. An Electoral Committee has been
successfully conformed by 4 members: Ms. Paola Bagnera (Vivienda Social y
Ciudad – Argentina), Mrs. Carmen González (Fundación Promotora de Vivienda –
Costa Rica), Ms. Jancarla Loayza (HIC Friend – Bolivia) and Mr. Carlos Estrada
(Ocupa tu Ciudad, México). The overall process is supported by Ms. Silvia
Emanuelli (Coordinator – Office HIC-LA) and Marie (HIC-GS).

The EC
carrying out the election process is currently preparing the schedule for the
elections and will soon be calling for candidates.

The process
should conclude in September 2014 with the election for a 4 years term of one
or two representative(s) and one or two alternate(s) at the Board, depending on
the General Assembly’s decision: please review and comment Par. 11 – 12 : “Election of Board Members” of the By-Law
amendments on http://hicbylaw.wordpress.com/
that are currently being presented for the Membership’s comments on a blog in
order to be submitted to the General Assembly vote.


Reglas para las Elecciones de Representantes de
América Latina al Consejo de HIC junio-octubre de 2014

HIC- Africa

(iii) The
term of HIC- Anglophone Africa representative, Mr. Abdul Hamid Slatch (Young
Muslim Association – Kenya) expired in August 2013. Due to the HIC New
Constitution (amended by the 2013 General Assembly) and the consecutive By-Law
amendments that are currently being presented for the Membership’s comments on
a blog (http://hicbylaw.wordpress.com/)
in order to be submitted to the General Assembly vote, no election process has
been organized in Anglophone Africa region. Please check the “Provisional Dispositions” of the amended
By-Law’s proposing that Africa will now include Anglophone, Francophone and Portuguese-speaking
countries with one representative and one alternate for Africa at the Board.
The term of HIC-Francophone Africa representative, Mrs. Affoué Pauline Yao
(Femmes Côte d’Ivoire Expérience – Ivory Coast) replacing Mr. Ahmadou Gambo (Contribution
au Développement Rural – Niger) will expire in December 2014.

HIC General
Secretariat will soon launch the electoral process and call for 3 volunteers
for the Electoral Committee comprised of at least 3 Members from Anglophone,
Francophone and Lusophone countries.

The process
should conclude in January 2014 with the election of one representative and one
alternate at the Board for a 4 years term.


We remind
you that the blog with HIC´s amended By Law is now available in English,
Spanish and French for your comments on http://hicbylaw.wordpress.com/.
You are kindly requested to support this initiative leaving your general
comments in the space provided below the objectives and your specific comments
below each section of the By Law before June 30, 2014.





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Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]