HIC General Secretary Position Description

Position Description of the HIC General

HIC / Lines of



Advocacy for
recognition defence and full implementation of habitat rights

  • Be at
    the cutting edge of habitat issues
  • Coordinates
    global campaigns
  • Coordinates
    HIC declarations
  • Represents
    HIC at international civil society networks
  • Coordinates
    advocacy at UN-Habitat and other habitat-related international bodies
  • Provides
    fund raising and coordination of global projects
  • Coordinates
    resources for global campaigns and researches opportunities for international
  • Articulates
    the main global habitat issues
  • Permanently
    updates the habitat key terms
  • Attends
    WSF-IC commissions and meetings
  • Coaches
    HIC spokesperson team
  • Collects
    and disseminates HIC declarations
  • Coordination
    of the process towards gender mainstreaming in HIC
  • Relation
    with ONU

Strengthening people’s processes for a place to live in

  • Supports
    Urgent Appeals
  • Is in
    permanent contact with HIC members
  • Seeks/provides
    support from and to the Coalition’s members
  • Bridges
    actions with other networks
  • Registers
    HIC in United Nations system
  • Calls
    for letters to express solidarity and denouncements
  • Daily
    contact with HIC members, answering questions, orienting their inquiries to
    HIC structures and other members
  • Develop
    special site section promoting exchanges among HIC members
  • Provides
    basic information about HIC to new members; provides certificates to active
    members and friends
  • Attends
    allies’ events and participates in their campaigns
  • Creates
    a membership data base with on-line services and documentation of all members
  • Processes
    membership applications, requests the corresponding HIC structures for their
    endorsement and informs the Board
  • Provides
    administration of HIC members’ contributions/fees

Consolidating the Coalition

  • Supports
    the General Assembly
  • Executes
    Board decisions
  • Provides
    accountability of the Coalition
  • Provides
    coordination among HIC structures
  • Manages
  • Acts
    as the Coalition’s legal representation
  • Manages
  • Coaches
    elections in HIC structures
  • Is
    in permanent contact with HIC
  • Functions
    in coordination with Focal Points and Board members, promotes decentralised
    General Assembly meetings
  • Provides
    coordination of the agenda, minutes and follow-up of the Board and General
    Assembly meetings, as well as virtual consultations
  • Executes
    Board decisions with support of the Executive Committee
  • Applies
    the by-law for the election of HIC President
  • Attends
    HIC structures’ meetings and supports their fund raising
  • Functions
    in coordination with HIC regional and thematic structures for membership
  • Provides
    roster of HIC board members
  • Produces
    the HIC Annual Report, flagship publication
  • Coordinates
    HIC structures’ annual plans and reports
  • Organizes
    the HIC global meetings, contents and logistics
  • Fund
    raising for global activities related to projects


  • Management of HICademy
  • Annual audited accounting
  • HIC-News and other communication tools
  • Media database
  • Translates HIC documents into 3 languages (English, Spanish and French)
  • Updates HIC registration in the Netherlands
  • Fundraises for operational costs
  • Updates HIC status at ECOSOC and UNDESA Quadrennial Report
HIC-GS / Nov. 2012
Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

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