Position Description of the HIC General
HIC / Lines of
Advocacy for
recognition defence and full implementation of habitat rights
- Be at
the cutting edge of habitat issues
- Coordinates
global campaigns
- Coordinates
HIC declarations
- Represents
HIC at international civil society networks
- Coordinates
advocacy at UN-Habitat and other habitat-related international bodies
- Provides
fund raising and coordination of global projects
- Coordinates
resources for global campaigns and researches opportunities for international
- Articulates
the main global habitat issues
- Permanently
updates the habitat key terms
- Attends
WSF-IC commissions and meetings
- Coaches
HIC spokesperson team
- Collects
and disseminates HIC declarations
- Coordination
of the process towards gender mainstreaming in HIC
- Relation
with ONU
Strengthening people’s processes for a place to live in
- Supports
Urgent Appeals
- Is in
permanent contact with HIC members
- Seeks/provides
support from and to the Coalition’s members
- Bridges
actions with other networks
- Registers
HIC in United Nations system
- Calls
for letters to express solidarity and denouncements
- Daily
contact with HIC members, answering questions, orienting their inquiries to
HIC structures and other members
- Develop
special site section promoting exchanges among HIC members
- Provides
basic information about HIC to new members; provides certificates to active
members and friends
- Attends
allies’ events and participates in their campaigns
- Creates
a membership data base with on-line services and documentation of all members
- Processes
membership applications, requests the corresponding HIC structures for their
endorsement and informs the Board
- Provides
administration of HIC members’ contributions/fees
Consolidating the Coalition
- Supports
the General Assembly
- Executes
Board decisions
- Provides
accountability of the Coalition
- Provides
coordination among HIC structures
- Manages
- Acts
as the Coalition’s legal representation
- Manages
- Coaches
elections in HIC structures
- Is
in permanent contact with HIC
- Functions
in coordination with Focal Points and Board members, promotes decentralised
General Assembly meetings
- Provides
coordination of the agenda, minutes and follow-up of the Board and General
Assembly meetings, as well as virtual consultations
- Executes
Board decisions with support of the Executive Committee
- Applies
the by-law for the election of HIC President
- Attends
HIC structures’ meetings and supports their fund raising
- Functions
in coordination with HIC regional and thematic structures for membership
- Provides
roster of HIC board members
- Produces
the HIC Annual Report, flagship publication
- Coordinates
HIC structures’ annual plans and reports
- Organizes
the HIC global meetings, contents and logistics
- Fund
raising for global activities related to projects
- Management of HICademy
- Annual audited accounting
- HIC-News and other communication tools
- Media database
- Translates HIC documents into 3 languages (English, Spanish and French)
- Updates HIC registration in the Netherlands
- Fundraises for operational costs
- Updates HIC status at ECOSOC and UNDESA Quadrennial Report
HIC-GS / Nov. 2012