Latest WSF Free Palestine information

Porto Alegre WSF
Free Palestine Map

To see the
preliminary map of the WSF Free Palestine, click here.

(Please check
back on the site for any last minute changes in the coming days!)

Program of the
self-organized activities

To see the
program of the self-organized activities, please click here

(Please check back on the site for any last minute changes in the coming

· WSF Free
Palestine Extended

The World Social
Forum Free Palestine WSF-FP calls on all those that are today mobilizing in
solidarity in their own countries to unite and reinforce the global solidarity
by participating in the WSF Free Palestine Extended. By using the logo of the
WSF Free Palestine in your actions and adopting the Reference Document of the
WSF Free Palestine you can contribute to showing global unity for Gaza and a
Free Palestine and draw attention to the goals and strategies that will be
discussed and promoted during this Forum.

In order to know
how to participate at the WSF Free Palestine Extended, please click here.

Be a part of the
WSF Free Palestine wherever you stand up for Palestine: 28 November to 1
December 2012!

Leaders of
social movements reinforce the call for the World Social Forum Free Palestine

“Leaders of the
Coordination of Social Movements (CMS) gathered on the afternoon of Thursday
(25), in the Banking Federation of São Paulo (Fetec) to finalize the
preparations for the event, which will be held in Porto Alegre-RS, 28 November
to 1 December. Constituted by the major mass organizations of the country, such
as the Central Workers Union (CUT), the Movement of Landless Rural Workers
(MST) and the National Student Union (UNE), the CMS is committed to organize
caravans across the country towards the state capital, enabling transportation
and accommodation in solidarity to ensure “full and massive expression of

To know more about “Leaders of social movements reinforce the call for the World Social Forum Free Palestine”, clik here.

· Pay your registration

The payment of
registration is a political call to self-sustainability of the World Social
Forum Free Palestine, and is a contribution of all organizations and
individuals participating in its construction. Aware of the different payment capacities
of its participants in a scenario of economic crisis and dwindling resources
internationally, the Organizing Committee of the WSF Free Palestine has
stipulated different fees.

For the amount
you or your organization is required to pay and the guidelines for the
payments, please check here.

Bank account:
Banco do Brasil
Branch number: 3344-8
Account number: 23447-8


Organization responsible: CUT – Central Única dos Trabalhadores
Address: Rua Caetano Pinto nº 575 – Brás – São Paulo SP – Brasil – cep:
IBAN: International Bank Account Number: 001334480000234478
Keep proof of payment: it will be required at the time of accreditation in
Porto Alegre!

Attention: We ask international participants to pay their registration fees
from now only on arrival in Porto Alegre.

· Online entry

New registrations
will be received directly in Porto Alegre, from November 28. More information
on accreditation (location, opening hours etc.) will be available soon via
email and in the next newsletter.

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]