Call to HIC General Assembly 2010



The proposed agenda is the following:

1.    Revision of the quorum
2.    Welcome
3.    Revision and approval of the agenda

4.    Approval of the minutes of the previous GA meetings (Belem and Cairo 2009)

5.    Regional and thematic reports
6.    General Secretariat’s report
7.    Accounting HIC 2009
8.    Review of HIC global strategy related to:
  • Right to the City
  • Housing and Land Rights
  • Gender mainstreaming
  • Campaigns
  • Social Production of Habitat
  • Human Settlements and Climate Change
9.    Next GA meeting
10. Closure

HIC General Secretariat calls on all HIC members to send us your comments and proposals related with this proposed agenda and the motions that you would like to present during this General Assembly.


HIC at the WUF 5

On UN-Habitat website, you’ll find information about the WUF5.

So far, the programmed activities are the following:

Sunday, 21 March


HIC Board meeting (only with special invitation)

Monday, 22 March

AM: Inauguration Session of the WUF5 and mobilization in front of the WUF


From 3:00 to 9:00 PM: HIC General Assembly

Tuesday, 23 March

Noon: Launching HIC book “Cities for All. Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City”

PM: Civil Society Round Table on Right to the City with Social Justice

Wednesday, 24 March

PM: Special Session on the Right to the City in Latin America, with translation, open to the other Regions

Thursday, 25 March

PM: Networking Event on the “Urban Conflicts: Evictions and Mega Projects”

Friday, 26 March
AM: Final Session of the WUF5
From 22 to 26 March
Shared space with social movements and organizations, especially for exchanges of experiences.

According to the Convergence of Urban Movements and Organizations subscribed in Belem 2009, the CSO Round Table, the Latin America Consultation on the Right to the City, the Networking Event on the Urban Conflicts and the Training Event on how to implement the Right to the City are organized in coordination with the Asociación Latinoamericana de Organizaciones de Promoción (ALOP); Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE); Dignity International (DI); ENDA Tiers-Monde; Forum Nacional de Reforma Urbana (FNRU); Forum of Local Authorities (FAL); Habitat for Humanity in Latin America; International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI); Local Communities Organizations in Asia (LOCOA); Observatori DESC; Swedish Cooperative Center in Latin America; and UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing of OHCHR.

Confirm your presence in Rio as soon as possible.


For the purpose of the HIC General Assembly and the activities at the WUF 5, this Secretariat has a reservation of affordable accommodations for 52 persons in twin bed rooms for USD 350 per person for the whole stay during the WUF.


For any further information, contact HIC-GS.


For the registration and how to get visa, see the information on UN-Habitat site.