Hamburg. Right to the City: A Transatlantic Roundtable

Based on Henri Lefebvre’s 1967 manifesto, the
“Right to the City” movement has mushroomed into formal organizations across
the globe, calling for equitable housing, access to public space, and a
redefinition of citizenship. For the past five years, the “Right to the City”
roundtable (co-organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office and the
Right to the City Alliance) has offered an opportunity for housing activists
and policy advocates to share transatlantic perspectives, strategize, and
create solidarity in real time.

This year’s roundtable will boast its largest number of
participants and is ambitious in its programming, covering issues ranging from
the rise of the right, race and migration, and the role of international
activist networks to the democratization and de-commodification of housing. The
gathering takes place in Hamburg, which has its own storied history of urban
struggles. During several field trips, participants will meet with migrant,
housing, and cultural organizations throughout the city.

* More information

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