We are pleased to announce that HIC’s new global website is now online.
After an intense work of definition and development, we launched a new version of our global website with a new design, as well as new usability features and available functions.

HIC’s new global website aims to:

–> To publicize the Coalition in a section that presents the mission, history, who is part of the Coalition, and general information about transparency, among others.

–> To disseminate the Coalition’s latest news, events, newsletters and recent documents and publications on the work being carried out to ensure human rights related to habitat.

–> To share the knowledge and tools created by HIC and its Members in a space dedicated to the delivery of the Coalition’s collective knowledge and expertise.
HIC’s global website displays at all times the contact details and access to the different regional and thematic Reference Centres and Focal Points that make up the Coalition.
This is the first version of the website and we continue working to update all content in HIC´s three working languages. In the meantime, we invite you to browse through and to check the presentation in pdf format – we would be delighted to hear your comments through the Global Secretariat email.
Thank you all for your collaboration on this project.