Nick Volk, a life-long supporter and friend of HIC, passed away


was a restless fighter for social justice and the right to housing, a life-long
supporter and friend of Habitat International Coalition.

his role as representative of Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, and
after representing the North American Region in the HIC Board between January
2008 and December 2011, Nick became HIC Friend in 2006 and kept on making very
valuable contributions to the broader Coalition. He participated in numerous
HIC global events (Cairo 2005, Vancouver 2006, Barcelona 2008, Nanjin 2008,
Cairo 2009, Belem 2009, Rio 2010) and he also volunteered for the Electoral
Committees of the 2013 and 2017 HIC-NAM elections; Nick’s contributions were always
very much appreciated.

We are
very honoured to be his friends and have worked close to him for the rights
related to habitat.

Go well dear friend.

“Find a need.
Ask what you can do to help. And do it.” Nick Volk.

*For more about Nick’s
life, click