We will meet in Tunis in less than four month, for the World
Social Forum Tunis 2015 which will be held around two key words: Dignity and
Rights. In order to make this event a success, the organizing Committee
opened 20 days ago a website for the people, organization (that include also
the informal networks and groups), and activity proposals registration.
As remind, the website is available at this address: http://registration.fsm2015.org/
Please do not hesitate to go to the website to consult the
activities already proposed ant to contribute to make this World Social Forum a
To make another world possible, all in Tunis from March 24th to 28th of 2015!
If you are experiencing difficulties to access internet, or if
you know some movements which encounters this kind of difficulties, please
contact the Organizing Committee:
By e-mail: contact@fsm2015.org
By phone:
00216- 97890979 (Romdhane: FR/AR)
00216- 54687020 (Nils:
The Organizing Committee for the WSF 2015