Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends of
The Rwanda Women’s Network will be celebrating its Ten Years Anniversary on October 30-31, 2007. Themed, Celebrating Ten years of Community Engagement, Leadership and Action, the Anniversary will be a celebration of RWN’s achievements working with grassroots communities. It will also be recognition of the significant role played by our local, regional and international partners over the years.
The role of RWN partners and friends has been especially important. The support we have received and the growth in capacity that we have gained has enabled the RWN to evolve into a facilitating organization to a network of over 40 community-based organizations across
Among RWN’s greatest achievements is the international recognition the Rwanda Women’s Network has gained, being held up as an example in community development to be emulated elsewhere in the world. This may not have been possible without the support of our partners and friends, and more so the grassroots communities themselves. In this sense, therefore, the RWN also celebrates being the recipient of the UNDP and UNAIDS 2006 Red Ribbon Award and the 2007 UN-Habitat Dubai International Award on behalf of, and in recognition of, the organization’s work with grassroots women and their communities.
The Anniversary Celebrations
The Anniversary celebrations will be a two-day event to which we are requesting our partners and friends to honour us with your presence and to actively be involved in the entire celebration process.
The aim of the event will be four-fold, namely:
– to promote community dialogue with policy-makers and donors;
– exhibit community achievements and challenges;
– award best practices;
– and, reflect on lessons learned and chart the way forward for the Network.
Essentially, the celebrations main aim will be to bring out the issues as they continue to affect grassroots women and their communities and recognize their achievements in addressing their concerns.
Specifically, the Anniversary celebrations will entail the following:
· Showing of a video documentary of RWN’s ten years and the way ahead
· PowerPoint presentation of the RWN activities and achievements in relation to their development partners
· Expert presentations and panel discussions dwelling on the role of women and their communities in development. This will be in the following themes:
a.. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Rwandan context and role played by community based organizations, the successes and challenges: By UNDP
b.. The National Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) and the successes and challenges in strategy employed for community involvement: By GOR Representative
c.. Addressing the link between HIV/Aids and Gender Based Violence, the successes and challenges in response: By National Aids Commission
· Exhibitions by RWN community partners on their activities and products
· Deliberations on lessons learnt and charting the future for the Network
· Community-based partners competition through drama and dance under the theme Leadership and Good Governance
· Award presentations at the end of two days deliberations to the best community initiatives and to the winners of the drama and dance competition
The exhibitions and the workshops will run concurrently during the two-day event. Members of the public will be invited to attend through promotion in the media, brochures and placing of banners at strategic locations.
Invited guests will include local and international NGOs, community- and faith-based organizations, key Government departments and ministries, local authorities and RWN development partners.
Partner Involvement
As the plans for the celebrations continue to be put in place the RWN is inviting all its partners for involvement in offering suggestions and financial assistance to ensure that the event is a success and achieves the objective of demonstrating the importance of women’s role in community development.
Our particular needs are in getting the necessary financial support to facilitate development and production of a documentary on RWN’s ten years and beyond; production of publicity materials, contribution to our media strategy and logistic support to our community-based partners.
The RWN recognizes that without the local and international support, and more so the grassroots women and their communities, it may not have been possible to come this far nor attain the successes being celebrated in October, 2007.
Attached for your information is a breakdown budget towards the realization of this event. We look forward to your contribution either in kind or financially.
We remain at your disposal, should you require any further clarification.
Yours Sincerely,
Mary Balikungeri
Executive Director
Tel: +250-583662 / +250-08547815
You may also contact:
Peter Turyahikayo
Tel: +250 -08322368
Annette Mukiga
Tel: +250 -08488884