The Special
Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik will be on official mission to the United Kingdom up
to September 11, visiting cities and meeting authorities, academics and
representatives from civil society organizations. Meanwhile, the first version
of her report on security of tenure is being finalized and will be available at
the Rapporteur’s website by the end of the month. Also in September, the Office
of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will publish on its website all the
information related to the process of selecting new special rapporteurs.
Furthermore, in October, the Rapporteur will present to the UN General Assembly
in New York a report focused on the analysis of alternative policies to
individual homeownership.
Raquel Rolnik is officially visiting the United Kingdom between August 28 and
September 11 to assess the situation of housing rights in the region. Click here to read the
press release.
* Security of
The Rapporteur is now finalizing the first version of the report that will be
presented in March 2014 to the Human Rights Council. It will present guiding
principles to assure security of tenure as an essential element of the right to
adequate housing. By the end of September, the document will be already available
on the thematic page in our website, including all
related documents, such as the consultations’ reports and the questionnaires answered by States.
* New Rapporteurs
In September, the site of the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights will
publish all information regarding the selection process for new special
rapporteurs, which will take place in 2014. Click here for more
This newsletter is
a project of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and it
does not contain official information. Rapporteur (from May 2008): Raquel
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