17th Annual Save Our Homes Conference

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17th Annual Save Our Homes Conference



You’re Invited!





Over 20 Tenant-Run Workshops


Learn How to Build Strong Tenant Assoc.

*  How the Banking Crisis and Housing Speculators threaten our homes

How to respond to expiring HUD Contracts

*  Learn How to Fight Rent Increases and Management Harrassment


Meet Tenants from Across the USA!




Take your message to Congress on Lobby Day


Vote for the Bill


Quick Links



Dear friends, 


This is a critical year to fight for full funding for vital HUD programs and deepen a tenant dialogue with HUD. Radical "Tea Party" forces have taken over the US House and are threatening deep cuts to vital housing and other programs that assist poor and working people.

Be a part of the movement that is fighting to preserve Affordable Housing in our communities. Join us during the 17th Annual Save Our Homes Conference. Join us at NAHT’s 17th Annual Conference from June 18 through 21, 2011 in Washington, D.C. to MAKE TENANT VOICES HEARD in Washington! HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing, Carol Galante, has confirmed her attendance to address enforcement and policy issues. The Conference will also include 20 tenant-run workshops on how to build your group, respond to expiring HUD contracts, fight management harassment, and how the HUD budget can affect us. We will TAKE ACTION to combat the radical budget cutters and corporate tax cheats who are threatening people’s homes!




17th Annual Save Our Homes Conference


Washington Plaza Hotel 


DATE:   June 18-21, 2011    

(Reserve your rooms before June 1st to get group rate)


   LOCATION: Washington Plaza Hotel

                            10 Thomas Circle NW

                            Washington DC, 20005

                                               Tel: 202-842-1300 / 800-424-1140


   MORE:   Download Flyer Registration (English & Spanish)


 Register Online TODAY and join Tenants from all over the States as they share best practices, strategize and work together to Save Our Homes! 


Confirmed Guest:  Carol Galante
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Multifamily Housing, HUD 




Don’t miss out, register today!

See you there!




National Alliance of HUD Tenants

Tenants United to Save Our Homes 


42 Seaverns Ave

Jamaica Plain MA 02130 



Demp pic 2010










Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]