WUF9 Side event. Social Production of Habitat: Building the African Case in the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda

People build, people shapecities.

The notion of social
productions of habitat refers to a process whereby a network of stakeholders collectively
determines the productions and or improves the conditions of their own habitat
(dwelling place and living environment). The process of social production of
habitat is characterized by a large measure of voluntary action and people’s

New Urban Agenda highlights
important urban challenges and questions that contemporary cities are grappling
with, such as how to plan and manage cities, towns and villages for sustainable
development. A key Sustainable Development Goals relatable to this event is
“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and
sustainable. This event on the social production of habitat will generate and
impart evidence based knowledge instrumental in improving practice of social
production of habitat in the African context. We strongly believe that
policymakers need to address key barriers to social production on habitat.
There is need to improve legislation to make implementation rules clearer and
more explicit, particularly around delivery mechanisms.

The event will contextualise
the social production of habitat for the African context by bringing civil
society actors, academics, activists, practitioners, local government officials
and political figureheads into a serious debate about these issues.

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