For the immediate release and dropping of all charges against SONO RYOTA – an ardent anti-nuclear, pacifist militant, active in the defense of fundamental rights

Paris, april 24, 2012
On February 9, 2012, during a pacifist demonstration in front of the Tokyo City Hall in defense of the rights of the homeless who have been living for more than 20 years in the Tatekawa River Park, Sono Ryota was arrested and incarcerated in the Tokyo detention centre.
For several years, he has been one of the spokespeople of social movements in Japan, struggling for the right to live. He has participated particularly in struggles against the evacuation of the homeless, young workers in precarious jobs and, since Fukushima, against the nuclear industry. He was arrested in September 2011 during an anti-racist demonstration in Tokyo and was released 23 days later thanks an international petition signed by 7000 people. The Japanese government once again refuses to respect the right by its citizens to peaceful expression of opinion.
Today he is incarcerated and isolated in a so-called “protective” celle, in inhuman conditions, awaiting trial. At the first hearing, the prosecutor refused to expand the right to visit him, only his lawyers are allowed to. His trial is scheduled for early may.
DAL federation, member off No-Vox network in connection with the Japanese Sono Ryota support committee call for a major international campaign in favour of his immediate liberation and the dropping of all charges.
In the name of international solidarity, for Human and Fundamental Rights, and for freedom of expression, 
we demand the liberation of Sono Ryona!
Jean-Baptiste Eyraud
Association loi 1901 – SIRET 429 377 831 00038 APE 9499Z
Siège Social : 29, avenue Ledru-Rollin 75012 Paris
Tél : 01 40 27 92 98 – Fax : 01 42 97 40 18
To download this statement, please click here.

Desalojo forzoso en Abiyán (Costa de Marfil)

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