Governance and natural disasters:addressing flooding in Saint Louis, Senegal

This paper, written by Khady Diagne from ENDA–Tiers Monde, describes an initiative to develop responses to flooding, in the city of Saint Louis, that focused both on reducing risks and on better preparedness in a city with very limited investment capacity.

The initiative was developed by ENDA–Tiers Monde, an international NGO and HIC member whose headquarters are in Senegal. It focused on building responses that draw on local knowledge and on supporting the engagement of all stakeholders in identifying causes and local solutions both to reduce risks and to reduce people’s vulnerability to them.

To read the document, click here


Maratón Cero Desahucios 2024

Maratón Cero Desahucios 2024

El Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Padua y la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes (AIH) organizaron el Maratón Cero Desahucios (ZEM), evento al que se sumó HIC-HLRN con [...]