Honduras: NO to the military coup, solidarity with the people of Honduras

Dear friends defending the rights to land and habitat in Honduras, 

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) worldwide offers you its support in this difficult time when the democracy the Honduran people worked so hard to achieve is threatened. 

Know that you have our unconditional support and solidarity in resisting this gross violation of rights. We support your efforts to restore the role of the people in defining legal frameworks that represent the interests of the public –the Magna Carta, decision making, legislation and public policy–; and to redefine the democratic institutions of Honduras through a broad alliance between social movements, popular organizations and social actors. 

We join with countless countries from across the globe in demanding the immediate reinstatement of the democratically elected president of the Honduran people. Peaceful defense of democracy is our way to ensure that Honduras and other people in the world who are working towards political, economic and social changes based on the common good are able to continue. 

From all parts of Latin America, Asia, Africa and the North we are with you in claiming the right of all Hondurans to continue working towards peace and democracy, and a place to live with dignity.

From everywhere that we struggle – local, national, regional, and global levels – know that we are struggling with you.

On behalf of HIC members throughout the world:

Ana Sugranyes

HIC General Secretary


To read more news about the situation in Honduras (in spanish) , just clik here



Desalojo forzoso en Abiyán (Costa de Marfil)

Desalojo forzoso en Abiyán (Costa de Marfil)

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