Launching the Member Space, HICademy and the new HIC website

Presenting some of the new and improved features on the HIC website

HICademy is a tool which systematizes and shares knowledge produced within the Coalition in an effort to further strengthen the HIC mission in the fight for the right to habitat with social justice. HICademy is a space for exchange between HIC members and structures, built collaboratively as a social production of knowledge. Through HICademy, the Coalition centralizes and showcases services offered for and by members and provides a space for them to display their offers and demands or training, internships, technical assistance, and consulting services. Members may also disseminate their work through the Habitat Library, HICkipedia and Training Resources. Each of these sections is briefly described below. 

Note: In order to contribute to and take advantage of HICademy, the HIC-GS team created the Member Space, a platform for HIC members with access codes. This space was created to facilitate exchanges between members and it provides an opportunity to actively participate in advancing the Coalition’s mission, struggles and initiatives. HIC members will receive a personalized email with instructions that will include their access codes.

The Habitat Library, a window to the knowledge and experience of the Coalition, gathers over 4,000 documents organized by themes and sub-themes that HIC members and structures are working on. HIC members may contribute to this library by logging into the Member Space and sharing their own documents.

HICkipedia seeks to collaboratively build a repertoire of key words that are shared by the Coalition. It is indispensable that members contribute to the HICki to illustrate the richness of concepts and terms used by the Coalition, in more than 118 countries.

The Training Resources section is a space where members can disseminate Coalition knowledge by posting their documents, publications or courses on habitat-related issues through the Member Space. The goal is for HIC members and structures to eventually be able to contribute to the creation of online courses as made available by formal learning academies.

Training Opportunities is a section where HIC members and structures may disseminate their offers and needs for training throughout the Coalition, putting themselves in touch with interested actors quickly and efficiently.

The section Technical Assistance was created because quite often HIC member organizations need some type of technical assistance to support them in ongoing processes and challenges. This space brings together these needs and the capacities of other Coalition members.

HIC members and structures receive daily inquiries regarding internships from individuals who would like to contribute to HIC’s work. This space brings together offers and demands for internships from individuals who would like to know more about the work carried out by HIC, as well as members’ needs. HIC members can publish their internship offers through the Member Space, and once they have joined the Coalition by filling out the membership application form, potential interns can publish their own ads or respond to a member’s offer.

Consulting is where you may post and find consulting opportunities in habitat-related areas published by HIC members, professionals, Coalition activists and other bodies.

In addition, we have improved the links to other services available through the HIC website:

Urgent Action Appeals: Through trial and error and drawing from years of experience, the HIC-Housing and Land Rights Network (HIC-HLRN) developed the Urgent Action (UA) system, a methodological tool to build HIC members’ capacity to defend the human right to adequate housing. An Urgent Action Appeal (UAA) consists of supporting the case of a human rights’ violation by sending protest letters to the duty holders and all relevant authorities, so as to pressure them to redress the damage caused and ultimately change their policies. We have added a direct link to the UAA section of the HIC-HLRN website.
HIC members may disseminate and share their activities and events through the Member Space, as well as publish their current efforts.

If you are not yet a HIC member and would like to take advantage of the services listed above as well as other member benefits, we invite you to join the Coalition by filling out a membership application form at

Please send your comments and suggestions to

We hope you take an active part in these HIC tools, contributing to habitat rights with social justice! 


Desalojo forzoso en Abiyán (Costa de Marfil)

Desalojo forzoso en Abiyán (Costa de Marfil)

Operaciones de desalojo forzoso en curso en el barrio de Adjame Village, en Abiyán, Costa de Marfil. En cuanto a las operaciones en curso en el distrito de Adjame Village, [...]