The Defense Commission of the Barcelona Bar Association and the Human Rights Commission of the Girona Bar Association, along with the Observatorio de Derechos Económicos Sociales y Culturales de Barcelona (Barcelona Observatory for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, DESC), Justicia y Paz (Justice and Peace), the Federación de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Barcelona (Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona, FAVB), the Observatorio de los Sistemas Penales de la Universidad de Barcelona (Observatory on the Penal System at the University of Barcelona), the Instituto de Derechos Humanos de Cataluña (Catalonian Institute of Human Rights), and the Asociación catalana de defense de los derechos humanos (Catalonian Association of Human Rights Defense, ACDDH) have been informed through media reports that the Spanish government Delegate in Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, has linked the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) and its spokesperson, Ada Colau, with “pro-ETA groups” (armed Basque separatist groups).
The above-mentioned entities consider that these actions constitute an infringement on the affected people’s right to honor and to maintain a good reputation, as recognized in Article 18.1 of the Constitution. In addition, these actions represent a manifestation of contempt and discredit which are absolutely contrary to the Spanish legal order, and they aim to impede citizens from exercising their legitimate right to protest free from duress.
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Organizations that have signed the Manifesto:
CCOO Catalunya
CJV (Consell de la Joventut de València)
CCB- Espinardo (Comunidad Cristiana de Base de Espinardo- Murcia)
Comité Pro-Huelga Palmillera para el 15 de Mayo
Comunidades Cristianas de Base de la Región de Murcia
CONFAVB (Confederació d’Associacions Veïnals de Barcelona)
Constitucionalistas por la democracia (Asociación de Profesores de Derecho Constitucional)
Cordada (associació Ecologista i Excursionista)
Ecologistes en Acció
FAVB (federación de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Barcelona)
Federació Catalana d’ONG per la Pau, els Drets Humans i el Desenvolupament
Frente Cívico Somos Mayoría Estatal
Fundació Nous Horitzons
HIC (Habitat International Coalition)
Intersindical Illes Balears
JARIT – Associació Civil
Oficina Prekaria de Er Banco Güeno
Punt de trobada d’afectats per la crisi (St Andreu, Barcelona)
SICOM (Solidaritat i Comunicació)
UGT Catalanya
XES (Xarxa d’Economia Solidària)
IPAM – Initiative Pour un Autre Monde, France