UN-HABITAT Global Land Tool Network E-Forum

The UN-HABITAT Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has launched an online discussion to identify a set of criteria that will ensure that large scale land tools address the realities that women face in their daily lives and that these tools include women in their development and implementation. The goal of the e-forum is to agree on a set of criteria that GLTN will use to evaluate and develop new land tools as well as to develop strategies for the application of each criteria.

Land tools are land strategies or processes and GLTN wants to ensure these strategies and processes promote land access for the poor and also address gender inequality. Tools can be land legislation, plans on land use, land administration, land mapping at all levels, and land adjudication. There are many land tools that are being promoted by the GLTN and it is important to ensure these tools truly respond to the needs of women.

The e-forum is running from September 8th until October 15th, and GLTN is continually seeking contributions for each of their weekly online discussions. The record of the e-forum discussions are available to view on-line and topics discussed in the past two weeks included: an introduction to themes, forum rules and moderators, and open brainstorming on criteria, (September 8 to 15); refining and clustering the criteria into possible categories, (September 16 to 23).

Current and upcoming discussions will cover the following topics over the next two weeks: Developing methods of measuring different groups of criteria, including indicators, (September 24 to October 1); Testing the draft evaluation criteria against case studies to ascertain their practical relevance, (October 2 to 7); Using the criteria for designing new land tools, and final online questions and discussions, (October 10 to 15).

The e-forum is open to all, but registration is required before the posting of thoughts and ideas may begin.

To register and for more information on the GLTN e-forum just clik here

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