Voting result of the amendments to the HIC Constitution

28 April 2013

As stipulated in the current
Constitution, the HIC General Secretariat presented members with proposed
amendments to the Constitutions on 28 January 2013, two months before the
General Assembly (GA) meeting in Tunis.
The proposed amendments were discussed and presented for approval by the GA
during its meeting on 28 March in Tunis.
Before beginning the voting process, the GA decided:
– to maintain an open voting process from 28 March to 28 April.
– that the members who had given a proxy to another member present at this
GA meeting who abstained from voting on the amendments to the
Constitution, would be able to vote on the final version of the amendments,
until 28 April.

* HIC Members may consult the voting result by visiting the “Amendments to the HIC Constitution” section on the home page of the Member Space

If you have any
trouble accessing the Member Space, please contact the General Secretariat at