Balance de la Reunión de Alto Nivel sobre los cinco años de implementación de la Nueva Agenda Urbana
Antecedentes El jueves 28 de abril de 2022, el Presidente de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas convocó una Reunión de Alto Nivel (RAN) de un día de duración para [...]
Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias
En el marco del U20, organizaciones sociales, movimientos populares, redes de la sociedad civil, integrantes de la academia y autoridades locales comprometidas con la igualdad, los derechos humanos y la sustentabilidad se reunieron en Buenos Aires para proponer un compromiso común por Ciudades Igualitarias.
![Planning [In]Justice : Spatial Analysis for Urban Cairo](https://www.hic-net.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Tadamun-Planning-Injustice.png)
Planning [In]Justice : Spatial Analysis for Urban Cairo
This publication considers the contemporary issue of spatial inequality in the Greater Cairo Region (GCR), it provides the historical context of urban governance, the built environment, and national policies and developments in Egypt.

Alternative Report on Africa
A report for Africa by Africa. Intellectuals, activists and citizens gathered around the Alternative Report on Africa have the ambition to overthrow the sordid and economicist visions conveyed on Africa. AROA intends to be a key initiative
that will repair-correct the methodological approach, areas and issues addressed, and deepen and
diversify indicators and measurement, but above will be a place where philosophical and ideological
analysis on Africa will be reversed.

Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing: Human Rights Based Housing Strategies
This report provides States and other actors with concrete guidance on implementing effective rights-based housing strategies.