Event: From local to National. Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing

In her report to the Council, the
Special Rapporteur on adequate housing tackles the complex issue of the
responsabilities and obligations of local and subnational governments with
respect to the right to adequate housing. She acknowledges the diversity of
arrangements and stresses the need to effectively engage all levels of
government as partners in the realization of the right to housing.

This event is a n opportunity to
discuss challenges and opportunities local governments face in implementing the
right to adequate housing. Hosted by the Permanent Missions of Finland and
Germany, and with a diverse group of panellists, including local government
officials, civil society organisations and regional networks, the event seeks
to engage in a dialogue about initiatives and experiences and in considering
some recommendations for ways forward in enhancing the role of local government
in light of international standards.


– Ms Leilani Farha, Special
Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing

– Mr. Michel Buergisser, Director
Office cantonal du logement, Genève, Switzerland

– Ms. Nomzamo Zondo, Director of
Litigation, SERI (South Africa)

– Mr. Marc Uhry, Coordinator
European Affairs Foundation Abbé Pierre / FEANTSA (France)

– Video message: Mr.
Eduardo Reese, CELS (Argentina)

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