The Third International Workshop 7/2005: Housing the Poor throught the Private Sector

Due to the success in the first and the second Housing the Poor Workshop in February and July 2005 and to offer for those who missed this practical and non-conventional workshop, it is organized again! It begins with the premise that providing decent housing and improving the living conditions of the poor can be accomplished through private sector initiatives rather than through costly government subsidies. Further, private sector provision has proved successful around the world.

Come and exchange ideas and experiences with experts rich with international experience and come away with new solutions for your country’s low-income housing policies, penetrate market niches in local contexts, and respond to the needs of the poor without wasting state resources. Space is limited to 40 participants. The program is given below.

Early-bird registration fee is US$ 600 (before Friday, September 30, 2005). Normal fee is US$ 680. Please fill in the registration form and see payment details at our website: This fee includes the cost of lectures, materials, and field transportation, lunches and refreshments during the whole program. It does not include the cost for accommodation and travel arrangements.

Check the hotel rate at
Ambassador Hotel. Please quote “Thai Appraisal Foundation” for a discount. It is around US$ 35 per room. This is a net rate, inclusive of breakfast, value-added tax+ service charges.

To register, use our registration form.

Sakarin Ruengdet, Mr.
Program Coordinator, Thai Appraisal Foundation
129/15 Nonsee Rd., Bangkok 10120 Thailand
Telephone: 66-2295-3171
Facsimile: 66-2295-1154

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