Land Times, Nº 13

The Housing and Land Rights Network of Habitat International
Coalition welcomes you to its twelfth issue of the periodic newsletter Land Times, which contains insights on
developments that identify the human rights dimensions of land in the Middle
East/North Africa and their link to ongoing related to global processes.

The recognition by states of (1) the centrality of human
rights, in particular the human right to adequate housing, and (2) good
governance in balanced rural/urban development formed the two main pillars of
the Habitat II commitments in 1996.This issue of Land Times recalls those
promises in a fresh review of events and developments in the region and the
world at a crucial moment on the renewed habitat debate. With a focus on civil
society’s contribution, Land Times issue 13 offers an indispensable view of the
current issues involved and the values at stake. 

Click on the link to Land Times, for details.

Maratón Cero Desahucios 2024

Maratón Cero Desahucios 2024

El Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Padua y la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes (AIH) organizaron el Maratón Cero Desahucios (ZEM), evento al que se sumó HIC-HLRN con [...]