Patterson Kuria Gathuru, a tireless activist and HIC colleague, passed away

Kuria Patterson Gathuru, a senior staff member of
Mazingira Institute (HIC
Africa Focal Point), passed away
in Nairobi on 15 November 2017. He served tirelessly on the international stage
as a HIC representative from 2014, for the urban food insecure constituency
of the Civil Society Mechanism for the UN Committee on World Food
Security. He participated in HIC event in Nairobi. He was a mentor and
trainer par excellence on the practice of urban

He had been very sick
for a while but always coming to work at Mazingira when he could. He gave his
life to improving things for the people around him especially the urban farmers
and the informal settlement farmers struggling to produce food. His house and
heart were open to all the farmers of Nairobi and
Environs Food
Security and Livestock Forum
, and before that to
many others through Undugu Society and the Presbyterian Church. To him all were
equal. Since the 1980s he has worked to bring urban agriculture to the City of
Nairobi government.
And he succeeded.

Photo: Kuria Gathuru
moderating an event of Nairobi and Environs Food Security and Livestock Forum
(NEFSALF), operated by Mazingira Institute.

Read the family obituary: