Urban Spot at 2007 WSF, January 20 to 25

The 2007 World Social Forum in Nairobi will articulate its thematic activities around 9 objectives[*]. These objectives cover a wide spectrum of issues; however so do urban themes. As in Porto Alegre 2005, urban dwellers and actors from any city -and this time, especially from Africa- should be able to find a place where they can refer to urban topics and avoid having them spread throughout.

This is why this proposal seeks to create a reference point in the forum that addresses specifically urban issues through different activities and diverse representation under a single spot, tent or space, depending of the physical planning of the activities and venues at the Moi Stadium in Nairobi where WSF 2007 will take place.

This way, participant demands and proposals will be met with a clearer voice and image. The proposed spot would exist to support organizations that want to communicate and exchange their strategies, needs, capacities and messages as well as to formulate common campaigns.

The Urban Spot will contribute to better articulate a larger audience on a wider range of themes and issues, i.e. forced evictions, access to land, access to water, sanitation, adequate housing, inclusive cities, sustainable environment, right to the city. It will also shelter different activities and services, i.e. dialogues, panels, training, technical orientation and assemblies.

The planning of the Urban Spot at the WSF 2007 is to be coordinated with the initiative of the Human Dignity / Human Rights Caucus that considers the topics of access to land and housing.

By now the initiative considers the support of AITEC, FLA, HIC and IAI. Are you interested to be part of it? What are your proposals? Could we make a common fundraising for the implementation of the Urban Spot?

Please write us with copy to the next mailing list:


[*] 1. Building a World of peace, justice, ethics and respect for diverse spiritualities 2. Liberating the world from the domination of multinational and financial capital 3. Ensuring universal and sustainable access to the common good of humanity 4. Democratizing knowledge and information 5. Ensuring dignity, defending diversity, guaranteeing gender equality and eliminating all forms of discrimination 6. Guaranteeing economic, social and cultural rights, especially the right to food, healthcare, education, employment and decent work 7. Building a world order based on sovereignty, self-determination and rights of the peoples 8. Constructing a people-centered and sustainable economy 9. Building real democratic political structures and institutions with people’s participation on decisions and control of public affairs and resources.

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