Chile: Solidarity with Housing Rights Movements occupying the riverbanks in Santiago

Fotografía de @marxismo_cl

Housing rights’ movements within the National Federation
of  “pobladores” (inhabitants) #FENAPO occupy since 1 week
Mapocho’s riverbanks in Santiago center. They are demanding to:

– Become producers of their own housing, with participatory
self-managed housing projects

– Take control over the administration of housing resources
provided by the state and to increase the budgets

– Develop a bank of land in every districts, implementing
the construction of social housing and green areas

– Put an end- to the law 20.530 that violates
personal privacy and to erase the social safety record (targeting instrument of
neoliberal social policies)

– Require to the State the bank debt forgiveness for social

Video in Spanish: El problema habitacional en tres minutos y
las demandas de la FENAPO

#TomaDelMapocho #FENAPO

mundial en “Río”: Pobladores que luchan por la vivienda digna y contra usura de
los Bancos acampan en el Mapocho.

de 1era noche del acampe de Federación Nacional de Pobladore s 
#FENAPO en la #TomaDelMapocho

lluvia y todo sigue la 
#TomaDelMapocho de pobladores allegadxs, sin casa,
deudores habitacionales de la