Reclaiming-spaces: Stuttgart 21 / Demonstration in Berlin

There will be Solidarity- Action ("Schwanestreich" = a lot of noise) in many German cities this night.
And not for the first time.
Urban struggles are developing in a number of cities.
Some are against huge development projafts, among them the struggle against Stuttgart 21 ist the most wellknown.
Others are around gentrfication, rent increasse etc.
Or for free spaces, indepüendent culture, including new squats (i.e Cologne, Dortmund treis)
And we have movements against radical shortages and buy outs of public property in bankcruot cities like Wuppertal and Witten (many other cities, but here we have new groups calles "basta!" which are not one-dimensional and which directly relate the "the right to the city".

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