The main themes of the event will be: “Innovation for Better Quality of Life in Cities and Communities” and “Accelerated implementation of the New Urban Agenda towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”. HIC will be taking part in the assembly and will organize a side-event: “Visions of Successful People-centered Partnerships” (to be confirmed). It will consist of an interactive dialogue that will proffer stakeholder engagement options & channel stakeholder expectations to operationalize the people-centered principles promised in the longer-term positioning of the UN sustainable development system.
A chronology of “milestones” in UN Habitat/stakeholder cooperation will be presented and participants will discuss their views and proposals based on both the milestones & other examples from across the system. At the end, an inventory of practical recommendations & a written report will be shared with participants, UN Habitat, CPRs & the wider stakeholder groups.
More detailed information on the workshop is to be confirmed.