HIC Evaluation Process


As you may already know, a global evaluation of HIC will be conducted this year in order to assess the Coalition’s strengths as well as the challenges that we will face in the coming years.

In collaboration between HIC and Misereor, three evaluators have been chosen to guide this task and we would like to present them here below:

Carlos Guerrero, an Ecuadorian architect based in Barcelona, is Director of ASDE (Sustainable Development Alternatives).

Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, a Dutch social anthropologist based in Lugano, Switzerland, is a Consultant for the World Habitat Research Centre (WHRC) at the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland.

Virginia Roaf, a British architect based in Berlin, is currently working as a Consultant for the OHCHR on the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. She will be especially focused on the human rights perspective during this evaluation.

The three evaluators along with representatives from the HIC-General Secretariat and Misereor will meet on April 25 and 26 in Aachen, Germany, to initiate the evaluation process. The 2012 HIC global meetings which will take place in Rio de Janeiro in June and in Naples in September will also be important events in the evaluation process.

We would like to stress that in order to evaluate the Coalition’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in a transparent way, input from HIC members is absolutely essential.

To this end, the Member Space platform will host the tools to facilitate members’ participation throughout the evaluation process. We encourage members to login to the Member Space and participate in this process to improve the Coalition in a transparent and collective way.

To access the Member Space, please click on the following link: hic-net.org/membership/login.php. All HIC members were given their access codes in August 2011. If you are a HIC member and do not have your access codes, or if you have any questions or trouble connecting to the Member Space, please do not hesitate to contact the General Secretariat at gs@hic-net.org.