New map launched for the International Housing and Land Rights Day 2009
On the occasion of International Housing and Land Rights Day (Habitat Day), 5 October 2009, HIC-HLRN has produced it annual map of global violations with a report of findings from the Violation Database on discrimination as a factor in housing and land rights violations.
Go to the HLRN website: or click here to consult the map.
This map is a product of Habitat International Coalition`s Housing and Land Rights Campaign 2008 and HLRN`s Violation Database (VDB), documenting cases provided by HIC Members and other reliable sources through January 2007–September 2009. It reflects four of the most-common types of violations of the human right to adequate housing and land: (1) forced eviction, (2) demolition, (3) dispossession and (4) deprivation arising from privatization of social housing, land and services.