Nomination of candidates: Europe representative to the HIC Board 2012 – 2016

(HIC Constitution, Article 9.2)     The regional representatives are elected through a democratic process established in each region by the members of the Association located within the region. All members located within the region are invited to participate in the election process. The regional representatives are persons active in the programmes of the Association. Each approved region elects one representative to the Board and one alternate of different gender.

Background of the elections:
  –  The purpose is to identify one HIC Europe representative and one alternate for a four year period (2012-2016)
Profile of the candidates:
  – Man or woman engaged in housing, land rights and human settlements; interested in participating in programmes of strategic action focused on specific themes and to combine local, national and regional contexts with the global approach; interested in representing social processes in housing from a global perspective in international forums.
  –  He or she shall be representative of a Coalition Member organization in good standing for at least one (1) year at the time of the nomination.    He or she is not elected as representative of his or her organization; rather he or she is elected as a person willing and able to carry out the work required.
– Subscribe to and act in accordance with the objectives of the Coalition.
– Act as representatives of HIC on a solidarity basis, with no retribution (unpaid role).
– Participate in HIC Board Meetings and HIC global events with support for travel and accommodation (10 days once a year).

– Formulate proposals to strengthen the regional perspective in housing and land issues.
– Board representatives are appointed for a four-year term.
– Board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

– Being nominated by at least one organizational Member of Europe other than the one to which the nominee is primarily affiliated
– Acceptance of the nominee’s own candidacy
– Letter of support of the organization the nominee is working with
– Brief statement indicating the name and general activities of the organization
– Bio and a motivation letter of the nominee

Deadline for nominations:
– January 10

For further information please contact: Pascale Thys:, Silvia Guimarães Yafai:  and Charlotte Mathivet: