Urban Movements at G8 ACTION WEEK 2007 in Rostock

Three weeks before the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, near Rostock, Germany the situation is getting hotter. Police organized a huge razzia against the infrastructueres of protesters and heavily limit the right to demenstrate at the place.

Below I forward you the state of art of our plans for habitat relatad action at the G8 protests in and around Rostock, Germany, June 2 – June 7. The agenda still is provisional and will remain prvisional until the end.

Updates and final information on meetings places will be coming soon.

If you will be in Rostock and want to join us, don’t hesitate to contact me.

All kinds of informations, comments, suggestions and support are very much welcomed.

For general information on G8 + protests see the following links:


Knut Unger


  • SAT June 2, 11 a.m and later

Another world is possible!

Join the big demonstration in Rostock!

Concerts: Move against G8

Sun June 3

probably: join meeting of excluded (Euro-Marches) Precarious of every country, let’s march to Heiligendamm near Rostock!

Join the Action day on ‘Global Agriculture & G8’

MON June 4

11 pm in Camp Rostock, Camping-07


SQUATTERS, TENANTS, HOMELESS organizing international solidarity AGAINST EVICTIONS AND REAL ESTATE VIOLENCE housing rights violations, forced evictions, “slum” cleansing, gentrification/ghettoization of popular neighbourhoods, SLUMLORDS, squats, informal settlements…

Agreed: Knut, Witten; Martin Bochum; Vesna, Zurich;

Asked: Rabial, Colcota; Ana, Santiago;

Communication with parallel NAHT confrence in Washington, D.C.

There may be action we will support by reactions in Rostsock and media.

Join the MIGRATION action for more information:

TUE. June 5,

ca. 12 -16 in Camp Reddelich


Exchange on future plans regarding globalization and privatisation and campaigning. Also, preparation of next days’ workshops.


Rabial, Colcota; Ana, Santiago; Vesna, Zurich; Wade, New Orleans;

This day in Rostock rather free from action. Some people will arrive noon/afternoon.

5 p.m.

start of


Wednesday, June 6


panelas and workshops whole day

2:30 pm – 4:30 p.m.

FREEDOM OF INVESTMENT AND HABITAT: The pressure of financial globalisation, privatisation, large scale investments and speculation on peoples’ livelihoods in cities and villages.

by and with Sebastian Müller, Andrej Holm and Knut Unger (WG Habitat at German NGO Forum Development and Environment – International Network of Urban Research and Action INURA, German Tenants Associations), Rabial Mallick, (Local Organizers of Community Organizations in Asia – LOCOA/India), Vesna Tomse (urban.lab, Zurich), Wade Rathke (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – ACORN/USA), Alfredo Rodriguez, (SUR/Chile), Ana Sugranyes, (Habitat International Coalition – HIC General Secretary) and others..

5 pm – 7:45 p.m.

Assembly of HOUSING RIGHTS MOVEMENTS (homeless, excluded, tenants..):

How to globalize our struggles for the right to housing, land and city?

by and with speakers from

WG Habitat at German NGO Forum Development and Environment, Mob e.V./Strassenfeger (Berlin), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), International Network of Urban Research and Action (INURA), Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), Local Organizers of Community Organizations in Asia (LOCOA), Witten Tenants Association and European homeless movements (DAL/No Vox. invited)..

featuring Miloon Kothari, UN special rapporteur for the right to housing

Thursday, June 7..


Marches and blockades
