Call for 2013-2014 projects

is a private foundation that supports housing projects for very poor urban
families. Our focus is on “extreme social emergency” faced by urban groups
dwelling in precarious and unsafe conditions and places, or exposed to
evictions. Many poor families cannot even dream of accessing conventional
“social” housing programs, in spite of their efforts to do so. SELAVIP wants to
open realistic alternatives for those who do not “fit” into any existing
housing programs, public or private. We want to invite new groups and
communities of the developing world to join so many other partners who are
working for decades to shelter the urban poor. By funding small innovative
projects, SELAVIP helps them to acquire experience and be able to move on to
bigger projects in the future. Our call is open to a wide range of proposals
that address acute housing problems of the poorest of poor in cities of
developing countries.

Areas of interest

can deal with different aspects of the complex reality of homelessness in
developing regions, from housing production or slum improvement, to promotion
of community based processes to secure shelter. A proposal to build or improve
shelter should also include activities to favor “community-driven” urban and
housing processes, and explore new strategies should to possible for the
poorest families to access housing. The cost of each unit should not exceed USD
1.200 for a new house and USD 800 to substantially improve or extend a
makeshift home. Other proposals that are more “process oriented”
should not only help to empower or organize communities, but also lead to clear
and measurable results in terms of housing and/or urban services. Priority will
be given to initiatives that help the poor access land and secure basic shelter
rather than to those seeking to improve shelter that has already reached some
physical or legal consolidation. Projects that can be scaled up by other
entities in the future, or impact local and national policies, are also a priority
for SELAVIP. Maximum amount granted per project: is US$ 72.000


We invite
groups working in developing countries, young professional and poor urban
communities to send innovative projects by mail during July and until 20
. You can visit or contact if you require more information. For text, use
WORD format only. Maximum size of attachments is
10 Mb, so if you plan to include “heavier” documents please reduce their size
and/or send in separate messages.

Selection process

will carefully select those projects that meet the criteria mentioned above to
be financed during 2014. The proposals we receive usually exceed those we can
finance, so many good projects sometimes cannot be included and others can only
be financed partially. In this case we will ask proponents to adjust their
project to available resources..Applicants should properly inform the
communities involved about the procedure for selection and budgetary
adjustment, so families can know the contingencies that the selection process
implies. The list of projects to be funded during 2014 will be published on our
website by end of November.

* For more informtion, click here

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]