CHINE – Soixante militants du droit au logement placés en détention en marge de la réunion des Nations unies à Shanghai

Adressée à Kofi Annan, secrétaire général des Nations unies, cette lettre présentait semble-t-il les doléances des militants du droit au logement à Shanghai. Ils mentionnaient notamment les atteintes aux droits humains qu’auraient commises les autorités locales et policières à leur encontre, dont des mauvais traitements et des mesures de détention arbitraire et d’emprisonnement. Ils demandaient à Kofi Annan d’aborder ces problèmes directement avec les autorités centrales chinoises.

Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Women in China

Rural women make up 65.6% or more of the farm laborers as many men have left the rural areas and farm work. In China, like in so many other countries, rural women are never helpless victims. Since they have to survive in a physically, socially, legally and culturally hostile environment throughout their lives, they have developed particular strengths, determination and courage.

China: Sixty housing rights activists detained outside UN meeting in Shanghai

Around sixty activists were detained by the police the 1st December in front of the Oriental Pearl building in Shanghai after they attempted to deliver a letter to United Nations officials attending the UN Global Compact Summit taking place nearby. Around 40 are still believed to be detained at Century Plaza police station in Pudong, Shanghai. The twenty others have reportedly been taken back to their home districts by local district officials. Their current legal status is unclear.