Advance Screening: We Don’t Like Samba


We Don’t Like Samba, a short documentary feature, provides
footage of and context for the bus-fare and anti-FIFA riots in Brazil
over the last fourteen months, along with less well-known but related
struggles. The film, by German collective c.i.s./Berlin, features people
from multiple sectors of Brazilian society: from middle class students
organizing against the bus fare hike in 2013 to favela residents facing
evictions justified by the Cup to sanitation workers who won their
demands in a pre-World Cup wildcat strike to professors, activists and
authors. It also foreshadows potential struggles to come in Brazil,
around the 2016 Summer Olympics and beyond. Finished in June, while
World Cup protests were still ongoing, the film was shared throughout
Brazil during June and July, and had its US premiere at The Base in New York City on August 26.

* To watch the full documentary, please click here.