Acteurs Pour Habitat
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APoHa a pour mission : Sensibiliser et regrouper tous les acteurs pauvres ou riches autour de la politique d’elimination des habitations pauvres et insalubres au travers l’aide à la renovation, à l’achevement et à la construction d’habitats simples ,sans discrimination
Working Themes
Children, Displaced, Epidemics and diseases, Low income, Women
Destruction of habitat, Forced evictions, Gender, Health, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Land rights
Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Project management, Urgent actions
Action Nord Sud
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Working Themes
ActionAid India/Citizens’ Rights Collective
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NGO, Professional/Technical, Social organization
To work towards an equitable and sustainable city, strongly founded on the principles of social justice and democratic participation
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Displaced, Homeless, Unemployed, Youth
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Displacement, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods, Right to the city, Sustainable environment, Temporary shelter, Urban planning
Advocacy, Education and training, Project management, Research, Solidarity campaign
Agency of Consultancy for Training
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National, Regional
ACT exists to bring positive change in the lives of poor , marginalized and vulnerable people in Afghanistan, through the promotion of gender equity and diversity in the sector of Skill development, Housing and Sanitation in the area.
Working Themes
Disability, Displaced, Internal migrants, Low income, People under occupation, Refugees, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Disaster mitigation, Displacement, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Livelihoods, Post-disaster reconstruction, Temporary shelter
Consulting, Education and training
Ahmedabad Study Action Group
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-- Select one --
Working Themes
Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights
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Al Mezan’s mission is to promote the respect and protection of human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights, in the Gaza Strip as part of the occupied Palestinian territory, through research, legal advice, advocacy and awareness-raising. Al Mezan carries out our work with a sound combination of professionalism and community participation, with our guiding principles being equal human worth and equal respect of all human rights, individual and collective, for all people as enshrined in international law and jurisprudence.
Working Themes
Children, Farmers, People under occupation, Women, Youth
ESC rights, Housing rights, Land rights
Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Fact finding mission field search, Legal frameworks, Networking
Al-Aghsan Foundation for Agricultural and Environmental Development
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مؤسسة الاغصان للتنمية الزراعية مؤسسة تنموية زراعية و بيئية مستقلة غير حكومية غير ربحية تأسست عام 2016 وتعمل المؤسسة على تطوير قدرات المؤسسات الزراعية والأفراد العاملين في مجال الزراعة من خلال برامج تنموية متنوعة تهدف الى بناء القدرات وتنمية المهارات والتوعية بالتغيرات المناخية لتلبي الاحتياجات الحالية والمستقبلية الزراعية وفق المعايير العالمية تسعى مؤسسة الاغصان للتنمية الزراعية والبيئية لأن تكون المؤسسة التنموية الرائدة في مجال الزراعة لتحقيق اكتفاء ذاتي للمجتمع.
Alaghsan foundation is a developement foundation interested in agriculture and environmental issues. NGO established in 2016, working on developping the capacities of the agriculture institutions and its staffs, workers in the agricultural sector through diverse development programs aiming to build the capacity and skills as well as raising awareness abut the climate change and the future of the agricuture sector to achieve the self sufficiency of the community.
Working Themes
Displaced, Farmers, Landless, Peasants, Women
Agriculture, Climate change, Displacement, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Human rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Right to water, Rural planning, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Sustainable environment, UN system, Urban planning
Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Consulting, Coordination, Local Governance, Networking, Research, Solidarity campaign
Al-Haq Defending Human Rights
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Working Themes
Children, Disability, Displaced, Indigenous peoples, People under occupation, Refugees, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Armed-ethnic conflict, Discrimination, Displacement, Dispossession, Education, ESC rights, Human rights, Land rights, Population transfers, UN system
Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Coordination, Fact finding mission field search, Legal frameworks, Local Governance, Networking, Public policies, Research, Solidarity campaign
All Youth Foundation for Community Development
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NGO, Voluntary
Local, National
Enhance political and civil rights for marginalized people and other minorities on order protection of minorities in Yemen
Working Themes
Children, Ethnic, Slum dwellers, Students, Women, Youth
Basic services: Water&sanitation, Discrimination, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Health, Housing cooperatives, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, UN system, Urban planning
Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Alternativa, Centro de Investigación Social y Educación Popular
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Es contribuir al desarrollo del Cono Norte de Lima Metropolitana, potenciando la capacitación e iniciativa de su población para enfrentar sus problemas y satisfacer sus necesidades, promoviendo su participación organizada en el desarrollo de alternativas de solución, a travez de propuestas innovadores en aspectos económicos, sociales políticos y culturales.
Working Themes
Alternativas Sostenibles de Desarrollo
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Objetivos de ASDE
Apoyar, fortalecer y promover iniciativas de:
Mejoramiento de las condiciones del Habitat con particular énfasis respecto al acceso al suelo y vivienda, el agua el saneamiento y el manejo de desechos.
Mejoramiento de la calidad y control del medio ambiente, y fortalecimiento de programas de control medio ambiental.
ASDE Objectives
To support, strengthen and promote initiatives on:
Improvement of habitat conditions with emphasis on land access and housing, water and sanitation, and waste treatment.
Management of strategic environmental assessment procesess.
Fostering sustainable rural integrated development.
Working Themes
Alternative Planning Initiatives Inc.
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Working Themes
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
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Working Themes
Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem
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ARIJ’s mission is promoting sustainable development in the occupied Palestinian territories and the self-reliance of the Palestinian people through greater control over their natural resources. ARIJ aims to assess alternative options, policies and strategies to conserve natural resources, which can be used as the basis for formulating recommendations and informing strategic decision making to improve the management of these resources and assist in their sustainability. Specifically, the institute aims to augment the local stock of scientific and technical knowledge and to introduce and devise more efficient methods of resource utilization and conservation, improved practices, and appropriate technology.
Working Themes
Displaced, Elderly, Farmers, People under occupation, Refugees, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Agriculture, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Demographic manipulation, Destruction of habitat, Displacement, Dispossession, ESC rights, Forced evictions, Gender, Historical heritages sites, Housing and land rights, Housing rights, Human rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Right to the city, Sustainable environment, UN SR RAH, UN system, Urban planning
Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Local Governance, Networking, Project management, Research
Arab Center for Agricultural Development
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Arab Center for Agricultural Development: Establishment and Development
Outreach: All the Palestinian territories (the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem) or as approved by ACAD general assembly.
Goal: Participatory agricultural and rural development by integrating marginalized groups especially women and youth in the development process and provision of decent job opportunities for them.
Current Legal Status: Non-profit non-governmental organization registered with the Ministry of Interior.
Competent Party: Ministry of Agriculture
ACAD Vision
A Palestinian non-governmental development leading model that contributes to building an effective agricultural rural community that relies on its capacities, identifies its future by itself and lives with dignity in the democratic and independent State of Palestine.
ACAD Mission
A non-governmental development organization that contributes to the development of the agricultural rural sector through building partnerships based on complementarity and professionalism and involvement of target groups including marginalized farmers and rural people especially women and youth. ACAD supports initiatives that encourage generation of job opportunities, capacity building and development of the agricultural and productive infrastructure and facilitates finance opportunities to establish small enterprises.
Working Themes
Farmers, Low income, Peasants, People under occupation, Refugees, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Destruction of habitat, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Housing cooperatives, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Microfinances-microcredits, Rural planning, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment
Advocacy, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
ARC Peace International, Architects, Designers, Planners for Social Responsibility KTH
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The purpose of ARC-PEACE is to be the global network of architects, designers and planners committed to building in a socially responsible way a peaceful, just and an environmentally sustainable future.
Working Themes
Arcilla Research
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Local, National, Regional
Arcilla Research, Epen, The Netherlands- is a small, Dutch-based, tecnology enterprise, Which has developed a special body of techniques and materials based on a mineral binder sistem, Whereby products with ceramic -like properties are cured rather than fired. The mineral binder sistem and range of new materials are neither cemens nor ceramic, yet offer many of the advantages of both. A New binder sistem has been developed for use with man-made and natural fibres to create water-repellent products
Three units have been set up by Arcilla Research to develop its family of new materials into useful products:
ARCILLA Ceramic Tecnology has centred on utilisation of secondary resources susch as coal fly ash to create products for building and construction.
PYRAMIC Advance Ceramic Materials is translating the tecnology of Arcilla Research into high-performance materials and products.
RUBACON Resource Utilisation for Building and Construction – aims to create building and construction systems in tune with the needs of people and the environment.
The new RUBACON Programme of Sustainable Development- Based on Utilisation of secondary and renewale resorces – includes a group of. Interrelated projects with the Key projec, advance building materials and construction system, at the core. The materials are lightweight – gender-sensitive; the may be produced and assembled by women and older children. The construction system is deseigned for stability-providing extremely high resistance to storm and earthquake.
The RENEW project for developing Biogas (alternative energy), natural fertilizer and micro-mineral powder from agricultural residues and animal dung, is one of the major arcillary projects. Other projects making up the programme include: a solar energy water harvesting system for providing people with both hot and cold water, a process for utilisation of ceramic waste to produce surface-glazed ceramic tiles sans kiln, durable sewer, water and irrigation pipe, low-cost road construction and tecnology for cleansing of polluted land and waterways.
Transfer of the arcilla tecnology as described in the implementation Plan, is unique and direct. It is aimed firts and foremost at the needs of the people, particularly the less well-off.
To implement our tecnology, we are open to co-operation with industry, university, goverment and non-govermment institutions. During its twenty five year existance, Arcilla has gathered together an international, multidiscipline team of regional and specialist consultants to provide technical know-how and project management skills for realising the potencial of. Its tecnology- ceramic without firing
Working Themes
Arquitectura sin Frontera - España
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Local, National
Trabajar en la mejora de la habitabilidad y la defensa del derecho de las personas a un hábitat digno promoviendo el desarrollo humano equitativo y sostenible.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Elderly, Homeless, Immigrants, Indigenous peoples, Landless, Low income, Peasants, People under occupation, Squatters, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Architecture, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Cultural Heritage, Destruction of habitat, Discrimination, Education, Gender, Health, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Right to the city, Rural planning, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Sustainable environment, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Education and training, Habitat Conferences, Local Governance, Networking, Project management
ASBL Habitat et Participation
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Academic, Educational, NGO, Professional/Technical, Social movement
Local, Regional
Habitat et Participation est une association sans but lucratif créé en 1982 qui a pour objet social de promouvoir la
participation en matière d’habitat. Concrètement, Habitat et Participation développe 3 pôles d’action : — Promouvoir la
PARTICIPATION CITOYENNE comme enjeu démocratique ; — Favoriser la SOLIDARITE ET RESPONSABILITE en matière
d’habitat (collectif) ; — Défendre un DROIT A L’HABITAT décent, digne et durable pour tous. Pour ce faire, nous réalisons
des animations, formations, visites d’expériences, échanges d’expériences, conseils, conférences, ateliers interactifs,
recherches, etc. > Nous sommes Pôle ressources de l’Habitat Groupé depuis 2005 en région wallonne (et bruxelloise) ; >
Nous soutenons les initiatives et les réflexions en matière d’habitat “alternatif” (auto-construction, auto-promotion, etc.) ;
> Nous menons des processus participatifs dans le cadre d’Agenda 21 locaux ; > Nous faisons évoluer les réflexions et les pratiques de l’accompagnement social en matière de logement ; > Nous accompagnons des groupes de citoyens vers des quartiers en transition ; > Nous sommes impliqués dans des réseaux nationaux et internationaux pour le droit à l’habitat et
la lutte contre l’exclusion sociale. Nous sommes reconnus comme organisme d’éducation permanente et Association de
Promotion du Logement.
Working Themes
Disability, Elderly, Homeless, Immigrants, Low income, Squatters, Tenants, Unemployed, Youth
Agriculture, Architecture, Destruction of habitat, Financing, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Land rights, Social Production of Habitat, Sustainable environment
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Project management, Public policies, Research
Asian Bridge
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South Korea
Asian Bridge’s mission is to produce and share a people-centered development model that incorporates different values of various regional communities, and thus to create a better society for the oppressed, poor, and marginalized people regardless of their nationalities.
Working Themes
Immigrants, Low income, Squatters
Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods
Advocacy, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Project management, Public policies
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights
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Linking groups in the region. Generate horizontal learning, sharing among groups in region. Mobilize actions, interventions to change process and alternatives process in country in region. Advocating, dealing with international organizations. Dissemanation, publications, viseo, mass-media.
Working Themes
Asocación Cristiana de Jóvenes del Ecuador
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Working Themes
Asociación Al-Gea
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AL-GEA es una organización de naturaleza asociativa y sin ánimo de lucro, creada para la difusión y protección del patrimonio, el urbanismo, la defensa de la vivienda protegida, la ordenación del territorio y la arquitectura, especialmente la bioclimática, enfocado globalmente bajo una perspectiva de sostenibilidad económica, social y medioambiental. El ámbito de actuación de la Asociación AL-GEA es la Provincia de Sevilla, y por extensión, la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía
A tal efecto, nuestros objetivos estatuarios promueven la realización o participación en actividades encaminadas a potenciar, promocionar y defender los valores de la difusión didáctica y la investigación de la sostenibilidad en arquitectura, urbanismo, patrimonio, medio ambiente y vivienda protegida.
Working Themes
Asociación Civil Canoa
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Construimos nuestro accionar desde una perspectiva de trabajo complejo, articulador y generador de condiciones para el ejercicio pleno de la ciudadanía y la profundización de la democracia.
Working Themes
Asociación Civil Madre Tierra
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NGO, Professional/Technical, Social organization
- Madre Tierra es una organización con inserción territorial en la zona oeste del gran Buenos Aires, que promueve y desarrolla proyectos de hábitat en el ámbito urbano.
- Busca el protagonismo de mujeres y varones del sector popular, a partir de la historia, identidad, valores y capacidades organizativas, en la concreción de los derechos económicos, culturales, políticos y ambientales
- Participa en la reconstrucción del campo popular y en la lucha por la justa distribución de la riqueza y la creación de la ciudad para todas y todos.
Working Themes
Landless, Low income, People under occupation, Squatters, Women
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Commons, Education, ESC rights, Financialization, Forced evictions, Gender, Gentrification, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods, Microfinances-microcredits, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Public-social housing, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Squatting-occupation, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Coordination, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Networking, Project management, Public programs and budgets
Asociación Civil Nueva Democracia por la Vivienda, Salud y Educación de los Humildes
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Working Themes
Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia
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Local, National
Nuestra misión es contribuir al fortalecimiento de las instituciones democráticas, promover el respeto por los derechos fundamentales y trabajar para la defensa de los grupos más vulnerables de la sociedad
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Homeless, Immigrants, Landless, Low income, Squatters, Tenants
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, ESC rights, Gentrification, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Right to the city, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research
Asociación de la Vivienda Económica/Centro de la Vivienda Económica
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Contribuir a la construcción de un hábitat sustentable mediante el desarrollo de conocimiento y promoción de acciones a favor de los sectores populares a nivel local, nacional y regional.
Objetivos estratégicos
Desarrollar conocimientos y tecnologías innovadoras vinculadas al hábitat sustentable, apropiadas y apropiables por los sectores populares.
Promover acciones directas e indirectas, en articulación con otros actores sociales, que contribuyan a mejorar el hábitat y fortalecer el desarrollo local.
Generar contribuciones e incidir en la definición de políticas socio-habitacionales y científico-tecnológicas tendientes a garantizar el derecho al hábitat.
Working Themes
Homeless, Landless, Low income, People under occupation, Women
Architecture, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Financing, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Microfinances-microcredits, Right to the city, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Temporary shelter, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Consulting, Education and training, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research
Asociación Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo
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Working Themes
Asociación para el Mejoramiento Habitacional de Guatemala
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MEJORHA (Asociación para el Mejoramiento Habitacional de Guatemala), is a national NGO, created in December 2002. Our overall goal is to contribute to the improvement of housing conditions for low-income households in Guatemala by improving the competence of the different actors involved in the housing sector ( at central and local government level, NGO, academia and private sector); promoting a dialogue within sectors, advocacy in public policies, research and consultancies.
Working Themes
Ethnic, Farmers, Homeless, Indigenous peoples, Landless, Low income, Peasants, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Agriculture, Basic services, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Discrimination, Education, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Gender, Housing and land rights, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Post-disaster reconstruction, Right to the city, SDGs&MDGs, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Technologies, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Habitat Conferences, Legal frameworks, Project management
Asociación para la Vivienda Popular
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Working Themes
Asociación Pro Vivienda San Miguel Arcángel
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Pro-Vivienda San Miguel Arcángel
somos una Asociación Civil Legalmente Constituida, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro, que tiene interés en la atención a la problemática de vivienda.
Colabora en la ayuda para las familias en situación de pobreza extrema con necesidad de un patrimonio, da asistencia concertadora para la defensa y promoción de los derechos humanos en relación a la Vivienda, en pro de un lugar seguro para vivir con dignidad y en paz.
Working Themes
Homeless, Landless, Low income
Commons, Housing and land rights, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Property rights, Right to the city, Right to water
Asociación Servicios a Programas de Desarrollo e Investigación
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Fines: a) Ser una asociación sin fines de lucro y de beneficio social, b) Velar y fortalecer el Estado de derecho, la transparencia y la democracia, c) Fomentar y respetar el medio ambiente, d) Fortalecer y promover la participación de hombres y mujeres en el proceso de desarrollo del país, e) Fomentar y respetar la interculturalidad, como criterio básico para el desarrollo integral.
Nuestros objetivos específicos son: a) Desarrollar de acuerdo a su naturaleza consultorías y asesorías a instituciones nacionales e internacionales, b) Gestión y ejecución de proyectos de formación y capacitación, infraestructura básica, productivos, económicos, salud, educación, género, desastres, derechos humanos, niñez y juventud, y otros, c) Participación en procesos de investigación y documentación en temas relacionados al desarrollo del país.
Working Themes
Association Action Solidarité Couches Défavorisées
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Local, National, Regional
Formation en gestion.
Renforcement de capacité pour promouvoir des activités regeneatrices de revenus.
– IEC et pladoyer dans la gestion environnementale
– Asistance aux orphelins de sida
Working Themes
Association d'aide sanitaire aux plus démunis
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Working Themes
Association d'appui aux conducteurs de chariots du Congo
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Congo - Democratic Republic of the
Working Themes
Association de Citoyenneté et de Développement Durable
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L’association AC2D vise à contribuer à la diffusion de la culture de citoyenneté à travers le dialogue constructif et la participation citoyenne dans l’affaire publique aboutissant ainsi à une société sensibilisée et responsable ayant le sens de l’initiative et un fort sentiment d’appartenance à la patrie et refusant la négativité. De même, le développement durable est aussi au cœur des préoccupations de l’AC2D qui à travers ses activités et projets convoite à contribuer à la protection de l’environnement et à la conservation des écosystème.
Working Themes
Housing and land rights, Housing rights, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Sustainable environment
Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Education and training, Networking
Association de Developpment de Jeunes d'Ousouge
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Working Themes
Association des Amoureux du Livre
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ASSOAL structurent ses initiatives autour des missions ci-dessous :
• Aider à concevoir des politiques de développement urbain qui soient moins inégalitaires, plus porteuses d’équité, de développement pour les quartiers défavorisés, de respect de l’environnement et qui reflètent la diversité des différents groupes d’intérêts ;
• Appuyer l’émergence de groupes d’apprentissage multi-acteurs capables d’analyser les dysfonctionnements du système (économique, social, culturel), d’interpeller, d’impliquer et de responsabiliser les différents acteurs (Etat, entreprises du secteur privé, partenaires au développement, organisations de la société civile, populations) ;
• Soutenir les idées nouvelles qui émergeront sur la gouvernance ainsi que les capacités de concertation, de responsabilisation et d’interpellation qui se mettront en place ;
• Mettre en œuvre des stratégies de plaidoyer en direction des responsables des politiques publiques au niveau des collectivités territoriales décentralisées, au niveau régional, national et international.
Working Themes
Children, Displaced, Homeless, Landless, Low income, Women, Youth
Basic services: Water&sanitation, Destruction of habitat, ESC rights, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Forced evictions, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Land rights, Right to the city, Rural planning, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, UN system, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Education and training, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets
Association Droit Au Logement
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Working Themes
Association Féminine des Femmes de Magnambougou
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Les femmes rurales, las colonies urbaines informelles, sesibilization, communication, education , sake , Les activities generahuces de revences coomerce.
Working Themes
Association for Democratic Prosperity - Zid
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Network, NGO
The mission of the Platform for development of adequate housing in Montenegro is to advocate and promote the right to adequate housing and ensure that this right becomes an integral part of the Constitution of Montenegro. By organising like-minded organisations, unions and individuals into a platform, we intend to address many existing issues that are blocking the development of housing policy in Montenegro which would ensure affordability and accessibility of housing to anyone who is not able to solve this issue via the market.
We have already created an analysis of the current state in the field of social housing in Montenegro, and due to the lack of incentive to include the term adequate housing and to make the housing policy more inclusive and available, we see an important window opportunity to instigate public discussion about this issue.
Working Themes
Low income, Tenants, Unemployed, Youth
Housing crisis, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Privatization, Right to the city, Security of tenure
Advocacy, Constitutional amendments, Public programs and budgets, Research
Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya
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Main objective is to offer rehabilitation services to persons with disibilities.
Working Themes
Children, Elderly
Architecture, Destruction of habitat
Accompanying social processes, Networking
Association for Voluntary Action and Services
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Academic, CBO
Local, National
Working Themes
Children, Elderly
Architecture, Destruction of habitat
Accompanying social processes, Networking
Association International de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs
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Working Themes
Association Marocaine des Droits de l'Homme
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Working Themes
Association Mauritanienne pour le Bien Etre et le Secours de l'Enfant et de la Mère
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Working Themes
Children, Epidemics and diseases, Immigrants, Internal migrants, Women
Access to natural resources, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Discrimination, Financing, Gender, Health, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Human rights, Land rights, Sustainable environment, Urban planning
Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Project management, Public policies
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
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United States
ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the USA’s largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities. Since 1970, ACORN has grown to more than 220,000 member families, organized in 850 neighborhood chapters in over 100 cities across the U.S. and in cities in Canada, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, India, Argentina, and Peru.
ACORN’s accomplishments include successful campaigns for better housing, schools, neighborhood safety, health care, job conditions, and more.
ACORN members participate in local meetings and actively work on campaigns, elect leadership from the neighborhood level up, and pay the organization’s core expenses through membership dues and grassroots fundraisers.
ACORN has constantly challenged the traditional notions of what a community organization is, and its family of organizations includes two radio stations, a voter registration network, a housing corporation, and several publications.
Working Themes
Association pour le Progrès et la Défense des Droits des Femmes/Filles
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Favoriser le regroupement des femmes pour la défense de leurs droits et intérêts contre toutes formes de violences et de discrimination pour une participation effective des femmes au processus de développement.
Working Themes
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Archéologique et Ethnographique de Boughrara
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– Identification et mise en valeur du site archéologique ” Gigthis” à Boughrara à l’échelle Régionale, Nationale et internationale et son intégration dans les circuits éco-touristiques régionaux.
– La participation aux efforts fournis pour sauvegarder les patrimoines archéologiques et ethnographiques de la localité de Boughrara du Gouvernorat de Médenine en Tunisie
– La participation aux efforts fournis pour protéger la lagune de Boughrara contre les effets de la pollution marine.
– La conservation des ressources naturelles et de la biodiversité en faune et flore à la lagune de Boughrara
– Création des relations de collaboration et de partenariat avec des associations similaires.
Working Themes
Farmers, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Climate change, Historical heritages sites, Rural planning, Sustainable environment
Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Fact finding mission field search, Project management, Solidarity campaign
At The Heart of A Woman
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Becoming a transformational tool on matters affecting all members of the society
Working Themes
Slum dwellers, Widows
Gender, Housing and land rights, Social Production of Habitat
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Education and training
Atelier Temenos Sanghatane
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Working Themes
Australian Council of Social Service
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Working Themes
Azerbaijan Women and Development Centre
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AWDC Mission Statement is advancement of women and children, improving their status and participation in the development processes through education, Human Rights study and implementation, poverty eradication, conflict resolution and peacemaking.
AWDC strategy is based on researches and surveys, working out and implementation of the programmes on improvement of the status of women and children, Refugees and IDPs, elderly people in transition period, aggravated by war, combating poverty and violence.
The capacities of the AWDC Divisions, woman, youth and children’s groups in different cities and rural districts were mobilized for planning and implementation of such kind of programs on Education, Health, Income Generation, Human Rights, peacemaking and other programs.
Working Themes
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
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BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is an independent, community-based non-profit organization mandated to protect and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons. Our vision, mission, programs and relationships are defined by our Palestinian identity and the principles of international law, in particular international human rights law. We seek to advance the individual and collective rights of the Palestinian people on this basis.
Working Themes
Displaced, People under occupation, Refugees, Youth
Destruction of habitat, Displacement, Dispossession, Forced evictions, Security of tenure
Accompanying social processes
Bahai'I International Community
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United States
Working Themes
Billerbeck Architekten
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Working Themes
Brazilian Movement in Defense of Life
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Working Themes
Built Environment Support Group
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South Africa
Besg specialising in intgrated and people centered development work. It approaches this in am inter-disciplinary way, straddling the fields of development facilitation, conflict resolution, capacity building and training, organisation building and development, programme design, participative planning methodologies, monitoring and evaluation, policy analysis and research. To achieve integrated and people centered development outcomes it draws on the skills of social scientist, seasoned development practitioners, architects, engineers, town planners, building technologists, project managers, micro-finance specialists, policy analysts and researchers. Besg is an affiliate of the urban sector Network; a national network of NGO’s that share their experiences to enhance their learning with the aim of achieving improved practices.
Working Themes
Canadian Housing & Renewal Association
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Our members include directors, managers, employees, tenants of territorial, provincial, municipal agencies as well as elected representatives, academics, housing conultants, municipal planners, tenants associations and others interested in the field.
We are the only national non-profit organisations representing the social housing sector in Canada. CHRA’s goal is commitment to the principal of access to adequate and affordable housing as a fundamental human right. CHRA lighters public awareness of housing issues and in equalities through advocacy, research, communications and promotes excellence in the management of social housing through education and training.
CHRA monitors and advises on the development of social policy affecting housing. They research housing issues and outcomes and also promote the exhange of information, ideas, expertise and innovations with other countries.
Working Themes
Children, Elderly
Architecture, Destruction of habitat
Accompanying social processes, Networking
Casa y Ciudad A.C.
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NGO, Professional/Technical
Contribuir a la realización del derecho a la vivienda para la población de escasos recursos, por medio de asesoría técnico-educativa en el marco de la producción social de la vivienda y el hábitat.
Working Themes
Low income
ESC rights, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Consulting, Education and training, Public policies, Research
Catalytic Communities
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Catalytic Communities’ mission is to generate models for effective community-led and people-centered development of informal settlements in cities across the globe, based on the experience of Rio de Janeiro, with the city’s favelas achieving recognition of their heritage status and residents being served as equal citizens. This is done through a combination of education, research, training, networking exchanges, strategic communications, technology, mapping, advocacy, and participatory planning.
Working Themes
Displaced, Homeless, Internal migrants, Landless, Low income, Slum dwellers, Squatters, Women
Adverse possession, Basic services, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Commodification, Commons, Communication, Cultural Heritage, Discrimination, Displacement, Education, Forced evictions, Gentrification, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Megaprojects, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Property rights, Public Space, Public-social housing, Right to the city, Right to water, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Squatting-occupation, Sustainable environment, Temporary shelter, Urban planning
Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Local Governance, Networking, Public policies, Solidarity campaign, Technical assistance, Urgent actions
CEARAH Periferia
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Working Themes
Center for Advancement of Development Rights
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Working Themes
Center for Equality Rights in Accomodation
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-- Select one --
CERA works to remove the barriers that keep disadvantaged individuals and families from accessing and retaining the housing they need. CERA has become a world leader in using both domestic and international human rights law to address issues of homelessness and poverty.
Working Themes
Center for Housing and Human Ecology Development Foundation, Inc.
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Working Themes
Center of Housing and Human Settlements, Dep. of Architecture, Petra Christian University
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Working Themes
Centre de Recherche et d'Application Terre - América Latina
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Working Themes
Centre de Recherches Concertées sur le Développement
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The concept of. Sustainable human developmen has been identified at the Rio 92 Summit and fostered during the WSSD in Johannesburg as the leading strategic framework for proventy alleviation, environmet management and social equity.
Proverty phenomena interplays with negative physical, sociological, judicial and economical situations. Undestading and analyzing them appears as a firts step towards operational actions. In this same vein, a Togolese group of sholars and development specialists has ser up since December 2000, the Concerted Research Center on Development (CRCD) – a non profit association which hold an NGO status. The CRCD roots its activities on the type II parnership modus operandi thata offers the opportunity to the civil society to engage larger spectrum of development activities with public and private sectors. For this end, The CRCD intends to: conceive and to publish methodological, technical and scientific tools for social and economic development
– Participate in studies and researches on topics related to sustainable developement
– establish strong relationship with research institutes abroad and with similar structures at national level
– act. As local representative for international civil society networks in order to mobilize human an material resources for poverty allevation.
Thematic Focus
Land Tenure
Las policies and tenure issues in Africa are currenty focusing attention of decision makers, donor agencies, researches and civil society. CRCD has develop and is implementing a programme on land policy and tenure regimens. It uses various means like a sustainable apprenticeship, information sharing, capacities building and research in order to favor a debate on tenure policies
Togo is seriously confronted to progressive depletion of its natural resorces. Human bad behaviors are mostly the cause although physical reason cannot be neglected. For CRCD, informing and educating stakeholders is therefore a major component of the national development strategy.
The CRCD will act by all means for the involvement of environmental considerations in development plans, programme and projects. Some highly qualified human resources do exist within CRCD to carry out impact assessment and to formulate norms and standards of. Quality
Urban management .
The rapid urbanization in togo is happening in a context marked by the institutional weakness of the state, the lack of an operational descentralization process and the economic stagnation. Solving the urban development issue will require adequate insfrastructure supply and the amelioration of activities systems in a sanitized living area
Microfinance becomes nowadays an important tool in addessing poverty. When urban and rural poor are deprived from formal financial facilities, its is such decentralized financial systems which rescue them. CRCD takes it as a duty to help in promoting and reinforcing capacities within microfinance organizations by offering its evaluation/ Counsel/training services
Our Achievements
– Launching of a structure which acquired juridical personality with a functioning headquarters.
– Bringing progressively the land issue in national agenda related to the strategy for poverty alleviation
– Initiating and managing a national network dealing with land tenure issues.
– Various solicitactions in national consulting committees (biological diversity, agenda 21)
– Partnerships with the national chamber of Agriculture
– Affiliation to initiatives and networks
– LandNet West Africa (local focal point)
-Plan African programme on lan and Resources Rights (PAPLRR)
– Community Based Natural Resoruces Management Network (CBNRM – Net.)
– Réseau Urbain Participé (RUP)
* Participación in global processes
– WSSD (Johannesburg)
– Policy Research Report 2003 (World Bank)
– E-learning on rural insfrastructure and on land policy (World Bank Institute
– EU Land Policy Guidelines (ILC)
Working Themes
Centre de transformation du logement Communautaire / Community Housing Transformation Centre
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The Community Housing Transformation Centre (The Centre) works with housing organizations across Canada to drive transformation, sustainability and growth in community housing. By working together, we can stabilize and grow the community housing sector to meet the needs of Canadians now and in the future.
Working Themes
Homeless, Low income, Tenants
Financing, Housing cooperatives, Housing rights, Land rights
Accompanying social processes, Project management, Research and systematization, Technical assistance
Centre for African Settlements Studies and Development
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Focusing on promoting improved quality of human settlements, environmental and human welfare in Africa.
Working Themes
Centre for Community Initiatives
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Academic, NGO, Social movement, Women’s organization
International, National
Helping and supporting communities to develop their quality of life through sustainable solutions. It has a vision of having improved quality of life of Tanzanian particularly women living in informal Urban settlements (Slums) and rural setting. This is being done by supporting through the micro finance driven by community, land and shelter, water and sanitation, Climate change, HIV/AIDS and other development activities.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Displaced, Homeless, Immigrants, Landless, Low income, Slum dwellers, Squatters, Street vendors, Tenants, Widows, Women, Youth
Basic services, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Communication, Displacement, Gender, Gentrification, Globalization, negative impacts, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods, Microfinances-microcredits, Post-disaster reconstruction, Urban planning
Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Coordination, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Local Governance, Networking, Project management, Public programs and budgets, Publication, Research, Technical assistance
Centre for Human Settlements
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The Centre for Human Settlements conducts multidisciplinary research and capacity-building programs related to regional, urban, and community development
Working Themes
Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment
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The Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment (Cenesta) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable community- and culture-based development. Its main area of work is Iran and South-West Asia, with programmes and projects in other parts of the world. Cenesta experts have also engaged in extensive activities in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and in the international area in general.
Cenesta has an alternative approach to a Sustainable, Endogenous, equitable and rights-based development. For Cenesta, the point of departure for Sustainable Natural Resource Management is customary institutions, world views and science and technology systems. The Cenesta major mission is re-empowering the indigenous and traditional local communities (IPs/LCs) to take their destiny into their own hands via a self-management and/or collaborative management approach.
Cenesta main activities are:
• Promote community management and co-management of natural resources
• Understand and strengthen indigenous and traditional customary law & customary community institutions of IPs/LCs
• Promote support to and appropriate local, national and international recognition of Indigenous & Community Conserved Territories & Areas (ICCAs)
• Promote and strengthen sustainable livelihoods of indigenous peoples and traditional local communities.
• Participatory Action Research (PAR) on agricultural biodiversity
• Agro-ecology, food sovereignty, and community-based production
• Participatory and Evolutionary Plant Breeding (EPB)
• Renewable energies and appropriate technologies for human settlements and environmental sanitation
• National and international policies
• Collaborative management of natural resources
• Community-based natural resource management
• Climate change adaptation and resilience.
Working Themes
Farmers, Indigenous peoples, Landless, Low income, Nomads, Pastoralists, Peasants, Tribal peoples, Women, Youth
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Displacement, Dispossession, ESC rights, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Historical heritages sites, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Megaprojects, Microfinances-microcredits, Privatization, Rural planning, Security of tenure, Sustainable environment
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies - University of Witwatersrand
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Local, Regional
South Africa
The Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES) is a platform for urban research, learning and civic engagement located in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. CUBES leads research that considers how urban citizens and marginalised people are affected by the material realities of cities, built environments at different scales, access to urban goods and spaces, and contestations over urban physical and political orders. CUBES values critical reflection on existing practices of development planning and architecture.
Working Themes
Homeless, Low income, Squatters, Street vendors, Youth
Forced evictions, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Livelihoods, Public-social housing, Right to the city, Subsidies, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Habitat Conferences, Networking, Research
Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l' Assainissement
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Burkina Faso
Working Themes
Centro Cooperativista Uruguayo
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Coayudar en la promoción del desarrollo sustentable, entendido como el proceso tendiente a una mejora de la calidad de vida de cada uno y todos los seres, a través del apoyo de iniciativas cooperativas o asociativas que resulten viables, solidarias, replicables y articuladoras en orden al cometido principal.
Esto no sólo implica la respuesta organizativa sino la preocupación permanente por la búsqueda de alternativas, pudiéndose inclusive llegar a la formulación de propuestas de políticas públicas.
Working Themes
Centro de Apoyo Mejoremos S.A. de C.V.
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en construcción
Contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias de bajos ingresos que auto producen su vivienda otorgando asesoría técnica y apoyo a la organización social para facilitar y acelerar la mejora progresiva de la vivienda e impulsar el crecimiento de las personas y su comunidad.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Elderly, Internal migrants, Low income, Peasants, Women, Youth
Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Public-social housing
Advocacy, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Urgent actions
Centro de Assessoria a Autogestao Popular
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Working Themes
Centro de Capacitacion Social de Panamá
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a. Los cursillos de capacitación social
b. Los cursillos de promoción social a nivel urbano y rural dirigido a estudiantes, mujeres, jóvenes, profesionales, empresarios, campesinos, discapacitados, personas de la tercera edad, indígenas, etc.
c. Actividades de capacitación que formen a los grupos que trabajan con el CCS, en determinados oficios o labores que le provean de herramientas técnicas para impulsar su propio sustento o contribuyan a generar proyectos de autogestión económica sin perspectiva de lucro que contribuya al desarrollo de las actividades sociales que realiza el Centro.
d. La formación de líderes para el desarrollo comunal, social, económico, sindical, universitario, rural, etc.
e. Los seminarios de investigación y acción social.
f. La programación de planes de desarrollo.
g. Las jornadas sociales.
h. Todas aquellas actividades encaminadas a la concientización o concienciación social y a la resolución pacífica de las controversias sociales de acuerdo con los principios que sustentan la promoción, defensa y divulgación de los derechos humanos con una visión integral de estos.
Working Themes
Centro de Comunicación Popular y Asesoramiento Legal
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Trabajar fundamentalmente con los sectores urbano-marginales de la ciudad capacitando, promocionando y asesorando a los pobladores de esas zonas. Nuestros objetivos prioritarios podrían resumirse en la idea de promover y acompañar la reconstrucción y/o consolidación de las formas organizativas de los sectores populares, en procura de satisfacer sus necesidades básicas y generar crecientes procesos autogestionarios
Working Themes
Centro de Defesa e Promoção dos Direitos Humanos da Arquidiocese de Fortaleza
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Missão: Contribuir para a promoção dos Direitos Humanos, em especial o direito à Terra e Moradia da população de baixa renda de Fortaleza e sua Região Metropolitana tendo em vista a construção de uma sociedade justa e solidária.
Atuamos através da participação em conselhos e organizações que visam incidir politicamente, sobretudo na promoção dos direitos dos povos indígenas.
Atuamos na formação de lideranças através de cursos, seminários e intercâmbios, sobretudo com a participação de jovens e mulheres.
Working Themes
Children, Elderly, Indigenous peoples, Women, Youth
Architecture, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Forced evictions, Gender, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Megaprojects, Right to the city, Social Production of Habitat
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Education and training, Networking, Public policies
Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Económica y Social
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Es una organización que ha sido creada única y esencialmente, para contribuir a la investigación para la producción de conocimiento, la formación de talentos humanos para consolidar actores de cambio, la ejecución de proyectos y acciones de apoyo a procesos de incidencia social y además para la difusión, divulgación e interlocución de la producción académica de pensamiento social.
Working Themes
Centro de Estudios sobre Territorio y Hábitat Popular
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El CETyHaP es un centro de investigación integrado por docentes de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (UNT) y por investigadores y becarios del CONICET que trabajan en temáticas relacionadas a la producción del hábitat popular, el crecimiento urbano y las condiciones de fragmentación socio espacial, la accesibilidad a bienes y servicios urbanos, apropiación de externalidades urbanísticas por obra púbica, entre otros.
Working Themes
Low income
Gentrification, Right to the city, Subsidies, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Consulting, Education and training
Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
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Las líneas de trabajo del CEUR se focalizan en los problemas de desarrollo urbano y regional, tanto de Argentina como de América Latina.
Working Themes
Centro de Estudios y Acción por la Igualdad
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Academic, NGO
Promote, through respect for the principles of equality, justice and non-discrimination, the defense of civil, political, economic, social, cultural, humanitarian, environmental, peace, nature, communication, information and technology; and the strengthening of democracy, citizen participation, the transparency of public management bodies and the fight against corruption.
Working Themes
Homeless, Immigrants, Landless, LGBTQ, People under occupation, Squatters, Street vendors, Tenants, Women
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Commodification, Commons, Destruction of habitat, ESC rights, Financialization, Forced evictions, Gentrification, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Megaprojects, Microfinances-microcredits, Privatization, Right to the city, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Communication and dissemination, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Networking, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research
Centro de Estudios y Prevención de Desastres
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Generar conocimiento y promover la gestión del riesgo de desastres, así como una cultura ambiental y de prevención, a nivel nacional e internacional, como parte inherente al desarrollo sostenible, involucrando a todos los actores sociales.
Working Themes
Centro de Estudios y Tecnología para Asentamientos Andinos
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Working Themes
Centro de Intercambio Subregional Cono Sur - Argentina
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NGO, Professional/Technical, Women’s organization
Local, National
Promover y dar apoyo a organizaciones sociales, así como aportar a gobiernos locales en el diseño de políticas públicas y acciones en los diversos campos de la problemática urbana y social. CISCSA trabaja en procesos de articulación nacional, regional e internacional a los fines de fortalecer vínculos entre instituciones comprometidas con la problemática urbana, la vida en las ciudades y el hábitat en general, siendo un campo de desarrollo específico de la Institución el abordaje de estos temas desde una perspectiva de género. Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Red Social Feminista Latinoameriana: La Articulación Feminista Marcosur está compuesta por organizaciones y articulaciones nacionales de 9 países latinoamericanos. El proyecto busca fortalecer y posicionar las perspectivas y las demandas feministas en los espacios de debate y ante instancias de definición locales, regionales y globales, a fin de incidir en la construcción de políticas y decisiones públicas que contribuyan a la igualdad de género, con protagonismo y empoderamiento de las mujeres. Programa Regional Ciudades sin Violencia Hacia las Mujeres Su principal objetivo fue el fortalecimiento del ejercicio de los derechos ciudadanos de las mujeres en América Latina, reduciendo la violencia pública y privada que se ejerce contra ellas en las ciudades. Proyecto de Fortaleciendo la Red Municipalista de Lucha contra las Violencias hacia las Mujeres de la Provincia de Córdoba con el apoyo de la Embajada de los Países Bajos en sinergia con el convenio firmado entre CISCSA y la Secretaría de Lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la provincia de Córdoba. Núcleo Género- Desarrollo con perspectiva de Género Coordinado por Ana Falú, el Núcleo de Género s constituye como un espacio de convergencia de conocimientos y prácticas académicas, investigadoras y profesionales en las principales temáticas adoptadas por ONU HABITAT.
Working Themes
Children, Ethnic, Immigrants, Internal migrants, Low income, Women
Access to natural resources, Architecture, Armed-ethnic conflict, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Destruction of habitat, Discrimination, Forced evictions, Gender, Housing cooperatives, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Inheritance rights, Land rights, Megaprojects, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, UN SR RAH, UN system, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets
Centro de Intercambio y Referencia de Iniciativas Comunitarias
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Comunidades y grupos poblacionales de base sin diferencias de región, sexo o edad. En lo concerniente al tema habitat, CIERI trabaja en el mejoramiento de la calidad y condiciones de vida por via de la dinamización socio-cultural. Participa en la capacitación en la capacitación de actores locales dedicados a la promoción de valores y al mejoramiento de actitudes urbanas. CIERI no trabaja creando ciudades sino contribuyendo a crear ciudadanos.
Working Themes
Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Asesoría Poblacional
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Local, National
CIDAP es una institución no gubernamental sin fines de lucro que se propone contribuir a superar los problemas de pobreza de nuestras ciudades, generando propuestas sustentables y desarrollando capacidades en los hombres y mujeres, líderes, autoridades o ciudadanos para que sean constructores de ciudades para la vidaática situación, que marca a sus miembros para siempre con un fuerte compromiso político social con el país.
Working Themes
Homeless, Landless, Tenants
Architecture, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, ESC rights, Financing, Forced evictions, Gentrification, Historical heritages sites, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Post-disaster reconstruction, Privatization, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Temporary shelter, UN SR RAH, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Networking, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research, Urgent actions
Centro de Investigaciones Ciudad
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Hacer efectivo el derecho a vivir bien en la ciudad, en condiciones justas y democráticas; promueve el debate sobre la problemática urbana y regional, el desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico, la formulación de políticas alternativas para la gestión local y el fortalecimiento de diversos actores sociales e institucionales.
Working Themes
Homeless, Low income
Financing, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Informal settlements, Microfinances-microcredits, Right to the city, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Municipales
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Working Themes
Centro de Promoción del Desarrollo Local
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Local, National, Regional
Working Themes
Centro Dominicano de Asesoría e Investigaciones Legales
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Dominican Republic
Working Themes
Centro Gaspar Garcia de Direitos Humanos
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Acesso à Justiça; Trabalho e renda; Moradia.
Working Themes
Children, Elderly
Architecture, Destruction of habitat
Accompanying social processes, Networking
Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Territoriales
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Objetivos generales del CIET:
– Enfocar integral e interdisciplinariamente los temas prioritarios que la región NEA determine.
– Aportar el estudio de los problemas territoriales para la promoción humana de modelos alternativos de desarrollo local y desarrollo sustentable.
– Contribuir a la consolidación organizativa de los grupos de base, y a la generación y fortalecimiento de los procesos de autogestión comunitaria.
– Propender a la búsqueda de nuevas metodologías y acciones que signifiquen una optimización en la utilización de los recursos disponibles.
– Ofrecer un ámbito de discusión e intercambio de ideas y propuestas como aporte para la evolución de la región, realizando permanentemente transferencias de modos de trabajo, conocimientos y experiencias, como así también capacitar recursos humanos.
Working Themes
Centro Memorial Martin Luther King Jr.
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El CMMLK es una organización macroecuménica de inspiración cristiana.
Acompaña solidaria y proféticamente al pueblo cubano y sus iglesias en la formación para la participación popular consciente, organizada y crítica empeñada en un proyecto socialmente justo, Realiza y propicia procesos educativos de acción-reflexión y de comunicación, el acompañamiento y la articulación de actores sociales, y la solidaridad internacional.
Working Themes
Centro Operacional de Vivienda y Poblamiento A.C.
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Contribuir al mejoramiento de las condiciones integrales de vida de los pobladores pobres de nuestro país, a través del impulso y fortalecimiento de procesos que incidan en la gestión democrática; participativa; integral y sustentable del territorio; del hábitat; su gobernabilidad local; su convivencia social; así como los espacios sociales, ciudadanos y públicos donde interactúan.
Working Themes
Centro Periferia de Estudios de la Vivienda
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Working Themes
Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society
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-- Select one --
Working throughout India among the urban and rural poor and mostly at the grass root level. Our aim is to mobilise the communities, make them aware of the problems both locally, regionally and nationally and trained them to deal with the situation.
We are working with the urban poor in the major cities in India like; Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mysore, Bhubaneswar & Guwahati. Programme thrust on organising the urban poor community, built-up CBO’s, stop eviction, security of land tennor, basic amenities and housing rights are common issues. Constructing housing through CBO’s, Co-operatives in limited areas. Secure land tennor is a major issue next to eviction.
Working Themes
Ciudad Alternativa
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Dominican Republic
Aportar a la construcción de una sociedad justa, equitativa, participativa y democrática, basada en el
cumplimiento del derecho a la ciudad,, en un habitat saludable y vivienda segura, como garantía para la vida digna de la población.
Working Themes
Disability, Displaced, Homeless, Low income, Refugees, Women, Youth
Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Forced evictions, Gentrification, Housing cooperatives, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Livelihoods, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Right to the city, Social Production of Habitat
Accompanying social processes, Legal frameworks, Local Governance, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Research, Solidarity campaign
Ciudadania e Direitos Humanos
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Local, National, Regional
Working Themes
Civic Coalition for Defending Palestininan Right in Jerusalem
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Working Themes
Children, Elderly
Architecture, Destruction of habitat
Accompanying social processes, Networking
Civic Forum on Housing and Habitat Zambia
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Network, NGO
The Civic Forum on Housing and Habitat Zambia’s (CFHHZ’s) mission is to be a platform for Civil Society Organisations and Community Based Orgnisations lobbying and advocating for decent, adequate and affordable housing for poor and marginalized people in Zambia. Subsequently, CFHHZ’s vision is to achieve decent, affordable and adequate housing for all the rural and urban communities of Zambia)
Working Themes
Children, Elderly
Architecture, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Forced evictions, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods, Right to the city, Rural planning, Subsidies, Urban planning
Advocacy, Legal frameworks, Public policies
Club de Amigos de la UNESCO de Madrid
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Working Themes
Coalition des ONG et OCB du Cameroun Oeuvrant dans le Domaine des Etablissements Humains
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Mobiliser les ONG, associations et organisations communautaires pour la sensibilisation collective des partenaires sociaux à l’amélioration et la gestion des Etablissements humains- Harmoniser et coordonner les actions des membres – Mobiliser les ressources utiles au développement des activités des membres et des établissements humains – Développer la coopération entre les organisations œuvrant dans les établissements humains OC . OCB
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Homeless, Landless, Low income, Peasants, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Agriculture, Architecture, Basic services, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Discrimination, Education, ESC rights, Financing, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Forced evictions, Gender, Gentrification, Globalization, negative impacts, Health, Historical heritages sites, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Inheritance rights, Land rights, Microfinances-microcredits, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Property rights, Public-social housing, Reparations-restitution of rights, Right to the city, Rural planning, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Technologies, Urban planning
Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Legal frameworks, Local Governance, Networking, Norms and standards, Project management, Public policies, Research, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Coalition Nationale pour l'Habitat
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Social organization
Burkina Faso
La Coalition Nationale pour l’Habitat a pour mission de protéger le droit à un logement adéquat à travers des campagnes, l’activisme national et international, le développement communautaire et l’établissement des faits. Ces campagnes sont axées sur la lutte pour les droits à la propriété foncière et au logement, et sur la corrélation entre cette lutte et les activités des entreprises et la société elle-même.
Working Themes
Disability, Elderly, Epidemics and diseases, Homeless, Immigrants, Internal migrants, Landless, Low income, Peasants, Women
Access to natural resources, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Displacement, Financing, Forced evictions, Gender, Health, Housing cooperatives, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Inheritance rights, Land rights, Microfinances-microcredits, Right to the city, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Temporary shelter, UN SR RAH, UN system, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Colectivo Poder Habitar - Programa de Investigación y Extensión sobre Producción del Espacio y derecho a la Ciudad
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Academic, Educational, Network
La propuesta es parte del proceso de intercambios alcanzados mediante distintas líneas de investigación, extensión y de relaciones entre grupos y cátedras, mancomunados con organizaciones sociales e instituciones públicas, y surge de los avances investigativos de los distintos grupos sobre un amplio campo transdisciplinar que configura lo que se denomina crisis urbana y que exige un abordaje complejo, pues afecta la propia reproducción de la vida. En ese marco, la propuesta se erige para contribuir a las demandas manifestadas por entidades sociales activas en el mundo barrial marplatense en relación a las condiciones del habitar y, así, coadyuvar colectivamente a los requerimientos del gobierno local en torno al diseño de políticas habitacionales sin desigualdad social. Para ello, es necesario avanzar en nuevo conocimiento que permita profundizar la comprensión de las distintas formas de producción del espacio-tiempo barrial y las condiciones generales de reproducción, poniendo especial énfasis en las estrategias sociales contra hegemónicas
Working Themes
Landless, Low income, Squatters, Tenants, Unemployed
Architecture, Informal settlements, Land rights, Right to the city, Rural planning, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Urban planning
Project management, Research, Solidarity campaign
Collectif Interafricain des Habitants
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Working Themes
Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos
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Dominican Republic
La CNDH presta asistencia jurídica a las personas y organizaciones que ven violados sus derechos humanos en las ciudades y zonas rurales. también desarrolla un programa con los dominicanos retornados al país. la CNDH realiza un programa a favor de las comunidades sometidas a desalojos forzosos.
Working Themes
Comité de Desarrollo del Tamarindo
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Dominican Republic
Organización social comunitaria que trabaja con habitantes del barrio EL TAMARINDO en el municipio SANTO DOMINGO ESTE. Nuestra organización trabaja en la defensa del derecho a la vivienda, salud comunitaria y educación.
Working Themes
Comité de Développement Intégré de Kouabang - Gamougoum
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Working Themes
Comité Diocésain des Activités Sociales et Caritas de l’Archidiocèse de Douala
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NGO, Social organization
Contribuer au développement intégral de l’Homme et à la formation à la solidarité /charité
Working Themes
Homeless, Internal migrants, Landless, Refugees, Squatters, Women, Youth
Destruction of habitat, ESC rights, Forced evictions, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Sustainable environment
Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Education and training, Legal frameworks, Networking, Public policies
Comité para la Defensa de los Derechos Barriales
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Dominican Republic
Organización social comunitaria que trabaja con habitantes de los barrios de las zonas norte y nordeste del Distrito Nacional de la ciudad de Santo Domingo y coordina con organizaciones de las diferentes regiones del país.
Working Themes
Landless, People under occupation, Tenants
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, ESC rights, Forced evictions, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Megaprojects, Microfinances-microcredits, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Temporary shelter, UN system
Accompanying social processes, Communication and dissemination, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Networking, Project management, Public policies
Community Alliance for Human Settlements in Zimbabwe
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Social movement
A Zimbabwe in which safe and secure migration and settlements yield meaningful access to productive rights and resources, leading to active citizen participation in socio-economic and developmental processes. We mobilize, organize and capacitate communities for legal, safe and secure migration and settlements within Zimbabwe. Our goal is a Zimbabwean strategy for human migration and settlements that is informed by international best practices but compliant to Zimbabwean laws and policies, and is responsive to the local communities’ context and tailored to durably address the socio-economic needs and aspirations of those grassroots communities and the nation a large.
Working Themes
Displaced, Homeless, Landless, Slum dwellers, Squatters, Stateless
Access to natural resources, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Commons, Compensation, Destruction of habitat, Displacement, Dispossession, Forced evictions, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods, Property rights, Public-social housing, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Squatting-occupation
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Coordination, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Local Governance, Networking, Public policies, Research, Research and systematization, Solidarity campaign, Technical assistance
Community Conservation & Development Initiatives
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Funding, Network, NGO
Local, National
Mission: CCDI’s mission is to offer vision and solutions to the relationship between environmental protection sustainable development and poverty.
CCDI is a non profit and non political organisation and its main objectives are as follows:
• To alleviate poverty through community based conservation of natural resources and management of the environment.
• To promote awareness of the concept of sustainable development.
• To participate actively in the national and global coalition of conservation and development management interests.
• To develop educational initiatives to promote knowledge and understanding of environmental issues
• To promote natural resources management through innovative, small scale and environmentally friendly projects
• To collaborate and form partnerships with communities, other NGOs and the public and private sectors for an exchange of ideas, experience, skills and expertise.
1) These objectives are to be achieved through project related activity, seminar, workshops, publications and networking.
2) The organisation has a commitment to its donor and is ably assisted in this by the Board of Trustees. This policy and procedures therefore intends to reflect CCDI’s basic values and beliefs and show a clear sense of purpose; this in turn should enable the organisation to set an example as a model NGO in the way it achieves its aims and objectives.
3) This policy is intended to form the basis for a happy and stable work environment where the staff are fully motivated and are able to understand and contribute to the organisations goals and objectives. Staff should share the CCDI’s vision and feel that they have a stake in the future growth and success of the organisation.
Working Themes
Children, Ethnic, Low income, Women, Youth
Agriculture, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Gender, Sustainable environment
Advocacy, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Research
Community Development Center CITIZEN FOUNDATION
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Working Themes
Community Development Information and Action Group
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Shelter assistance, skill training, women empowerment, literacy programmes.
Working Themes
Confederación Nacional de Associaçaos de Moradores
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Working Themes
Confédération Générale du Logement Union Parisienne
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Working Themes
Consejo de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Caleta
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Dominican Republic
El CODECOV trabaja en la formación de sujetos sociales con potencialidades y disposición de poner al servicio de la comunidad sus conocimientos y habilidades. Trabaja en el fortalecimiento institucional de las organizaciones comunitarias de base. Coordina acciones con otras en la búsqueda de solución al problema de la vivienda y el no desalojo. Trabajamos por el desarrollo social en todas sus manifestaciones buscando mejorar la calidad de vida de los municipes de nuestro entorno.
Working Themes
Consejo de Unidad Popular
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Dominican Republic
Desde 1984 el CUP trabaja con habitantes de barrios y comunidades de distintos municipios de republica dominicana. Ha motorizado la defensa del derecho a la vivienda, la tierra y la lucha por servicios básicos para las comunidades marginadas. Ha organizado la resistencia a las políticas neoliberales.
Working Themes
Construction Resource & Development Centre Ltd.
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Working Themes
Contribution au Développement Rural
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L’ONG-CDR vise les objectifs généraux ci-après :
Participer activement à la lutte contre la pauvreté,
Faciliter l’accès aux logements sociaux et à l’habitat aux couches sociales les plus défavorisées
Améliorer les conditions de vie des communautés de base par la mise en valeur rationnelle des potentialités de la zone d’intervention,
Lutter activement et efficacement contre toutes les formes de dégradation de l’environnement à savoir la désertification, les pollutions et nuisances, l’insalubrité,
Working Themes
Cooperación Comunitaria CC ONG México A.C.
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Mejorar la habitabilidad de las comunidades rurales e indígenas marginadas, a través de proyectos que fomenten la autosuficiencia económica, la organización social y la autoproducción de espacios habitacionales sostenibles y dignos, con base en la recuperación del conocimiento tradicional y la reconciliación de los pobladores con su territorio inmediato.
Working Themes
Ethnic, Farmers, Homeless, Indigenous peoples, Low income, Peasants, People under occupation, Tribal peoples, Women
Architecture, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Financing, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Informal settlements, Livelihoods, Social Production of Habitat, Sustainable environment
Accompanying social processes, Education and training, Project management
Cooperation for Research, Development and Education
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Working Themes
Coopérative Féminine pour la Protection de l'Environnement
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Traitement des dechets solides et liquides, construction des ouvrages, d’assainissement, sensibilisation de la population autour de l’hygiène, publique, nettoyage des voies publique, curage des canniveaux,reboisement, confection des dallaux de traversées etc…
Working Themes
Cooperative Multifonctionelle des Femmes de Badialam III
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Couture- Teinture- Confection de jouets pour enfants – education – Sante commerce – Transformation des produits
Working Themes
Coopérative Multifonctionelle des Femmes de Magranbogon
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– Améliorer la situation socio-économique des femmes
– Développer et valoriser la production alimentaire
– Améliorer la qualité de vie par l’hygène, la santé, l’éducation, l’alphabetisation.
– Organisation des activités de sensibilisations, de communication, d’information et d’éducation.
– Elaborer des Projects Plaidoyer Formation des Femmes Jeunes
– Faire des transformations des céréales des fruits et légumes
– Commerces et petites épargnes
Working Themes
Coordinadora Centroamericana Autogestionaria de la Vivienda Solidaria
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Social movement
El Salvador
Ser un espacio de coordinación de los esfuerzos y gestiones del movimiento cooperativista de la región centroamericana, en su lucha por el acceso a tierra, financiamiento estructural y marcos legales que garanticen el desarrollo del modelo de Cooperativismo de vivienda por ayuda mutua autogestionario
Working Themes
Homeless, Immigrants, Internal migrants, Landless, Low income, Women
Basic services: Infrastructure, ESC rights, Financing, Gender, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Right to the city, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, UN system, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets
Corporación CIVITIC. Red Universitaria de Estudios Urbanos de Ecuador
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Academic, Educational, Network, Professional/Technical, Social organization
El objetivo de CIVITIC es crear espacios de diálogo, suscitar articulaciones institucionales y fomentar estudios comparativos sobre temas clave de las ciudades ecuatorianas. Para ello, sus fines son:
a) Fortalecer redes académicas, institucionales, sociales y de gobiernos locales, a nivel nacional e internacional, que permitan compartir experiencias, saberes y buenas prácticas en torno a procesos urbanos contemporáneos;
b) Plantear criterios y estrategias que sirvan como programa de acción para ejercer el Derecho a la Ciudad;
c) Incidir en las políticas públicas nacionales y locales, a través de la academia, investigación, diálogos y trabajos colaborativos, que permitan el desarrollo integral de las ciudades.
d) Generar actividades colaborativas y espacios de opinión entre sus miembros con la finalidad de proponer soluciones a problemas cruciales que afecten a las ciudades;
e) Proponer proyectos de ley y ordenanzas relacionados con la planificación y ordenamiento territorial;
f) Fomentar la investigación y la docencia de alto nivel en relación al desarrollo integral de las ciudades;
g) Publicar las investigaciones y obras de sus miembros haciendo uso de medios impresos o digitales que posea CIVITC, como una forma de promover la difusión de los mismos.
h) Brindar capacitación a instituciones públicas o privadas en las líneas afines a CIVITIC, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
i) Reunirse ordinaria o extraordinariamente para abordar aspectos relacionados con su finalidad u objeto social;
j) Fomentar vínculos de cooperación e intercambios con instituciones nacionales o internacionales que mantengan relación con los objetivos y fines de CIVITIC; y,
k) Desarrollar otro tipo de actividades que considere pertinente la Asamblea General a petición de sus miembros y que estén acordes con los objetivos y fines de CIVITIC.
Working Themes
LGBTQ, Students, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Architecture, Basic services, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Collectivization, Commodification, Commons, Communication, Cultural Heritage, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Discrimination, Displacement, Education, ESC rights, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Forced evictions, Gender, Gentrification, Globalization, negative impacts, Health, Historical heritages sites, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Inheritance rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Megaprojects, Microfinances-microcredits, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Population transfers, Post-disaster reconstruction, Property rights, Public Space, Public-social housing, Reparations-restitution of rights, Right to the city, Right to water, Rural planning, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Temporary shelter, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Coordination, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Legal frameworks, Local Governance, Networking, Norms and standards, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Publication, Research, Research and systematization, Solidarity campaign, Technical assistance
Corporacion de Desarrollo Social JUNDEP
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JUNDEP es una ONG que encuentra sus orientaciones al ser parte del incremento de la densidad y espesor de una ciudadanía preocupada por lo publico. Entendiendo los asuntos públicos como un campo no exclusivo de la actuación de las lógicas del mercado o del Estado, sino también como un espacio donde una comunidad de ciudadanos articula iniciativas y expande la capacidad de auto-producción de la propia sociedad, procurando con ello, un proyecto de desarrollo mas democrático.
La esfera transnacional de la cosa publica pasa a ser comprendida como un nuevo espacio institucional en que actúa la sociedad civil organizada, y que es complementaria con las dimensiones locales y nacionales.
La especificidad de JUNDEP se encuentra a partir de una comprensión del territorio, en su dimensión cultural, económica, geográfico-urbana y socio-institucional. Este tipo de aproximación define un fuerte anclaje local que busca formular alternativas y experiencias para enfrentar los problemas de inclusión social y desigualdad que se observan en los territorios urbanos y rurales.
Desarrolla e implementa programas e iniciativas que buscan mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, enfatizando un enfoque que prioriza la realidad de los territorios productivos asociándose con personas, grupos y organizaciones en barrios, poblaciones y villorrios.
En este proceso acompaña, asesora y orienta a cientos de familias para que encuentren una adecuada solución a sus problemas locales. El enfoque busca integrar metodologías que actúan sobre diversas dimensiones, se prioriza la habitabilidad, la participación local en la gestión pública, integrando transversalmente el enfoque de genero, el trabajo con jóvenes y la promoción del voluntariado.
Working Themes
Corporación de Estudios Regionales - Guayaquil
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Working Themes
Corporación Región para el Desarrollo y la Democracia
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Corporación Región es un centro de pensamiento crítico que aporta conocimiento sobre la realidad, contribuye a la formación de ciudadanías críticas y de una cultura política democrática, promueve espacios de deliberación y concertación de agendas sociales y políticas, y participa en ellos. Somos promotores de la paz, la democracia, la equidad y la inclusión , el reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural; la ética del cuidado de sí, de los otros y el entorno, en el marco de unas relaciones equitativas entre géneros, generaciones y por una ciudadanía plena para mujeres y hombres. Son nuestros propósitos: La democracia, la paz, el desarrollo, la equidad y la inclusión social. La equidad de género. Lo local y el territorio como ejes de la democracia y la equidad. El reconocimiento a la diversidad y el diálogo inter cultural. El respeto y la preservación del medio ambiente, y una ética planetaria.
Working Themes
Children, Displaced, Homeless, Internal migrants, Low income, Women, Youth
Armed-ethnic conflict, Displacement, Forced evictions, Gender, Informal settlements, Right to the city
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Fact finding mission field search, Project management
Dajopen Waste Management Project
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Dajopen waste management is a Community Based Organization, which was formed by the slum Dwellers to address the Social, Economic and Environmental sanity to the less privileged urban dwellers and the small scale farmers through the recycling of waste. After collecting and sorting the urban waste, then it is recycled and several products are made. The products are then sold and the members get the dividends. Among the products are the organic fertilizer which is sold to the farmers, briquettes as an alternative charcoal is used by the members for cooking and some sold to neighbours. As part of our social responsibilities, we train other organizations.
Working Themes
Farmers, Low income, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Agriculture, Basic services: Solid waste, Climate change, Health, Housing rights, Informal settlements, Right to the city, SDGs&MDGs, Technologies, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Norms and standards, Project management, Research
Dana and Qadisiyah Local Community Cooperative
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Local, National
Sustainable management of local natural resources to ensure community empowerment and retain the community’s customary rights and comprehensive development
Working Themes
Children, Displaced, Farmers, Indigenous peoples, Low income, Nomads, Pastoralists, Peasants, Tribal peoples, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Displacement, Dispossession, ESC rights, Financing, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Historical heritages sites, Housing cooperatives, Housing rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Microfinances-microcredits, Privatization, Rural planning, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Sustainable environment
Accompanying social processes, Communication and dissemination, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Networking, Public policies, Research
Darfur Network for Human Rights
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DNHR is dedicated to the promotion of human rights, the respect of the rule of law and help support a culture of peace and peacebuilding, transitional justice, and equality of all persons within Sudan geographic boundaries and jurisdiction regardless to their race, culture, religious creed gender, place of origin or any other background.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Displaced, Elderly, Farmers, Landless, Nomads, Refugees, Students, Tribal peoples, Women, Youth
Armed-ethnic conflict, Forced evictions, Gender, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Land rights, Property rights, Reparations-restitution of rights, Right to the city, Right to water, Transitional Justice, UN system
Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Coordination, Education and training, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Urgent actions
Dedicated Involvement of Women for Housing Actions
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Working Themes
Democracy and Workers' Rights Center in Palestine
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Working Themes
DESCO - Centro de Estudios y Promoción de Desarrollo - DESCO
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Academic, Educational, Network, NGO, Professional/Technical, Social organization, Women’s organization
Local, National, Regional
desco Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo, es una organización no gubernamental de desarrollo que se ubica en la sociedad civil peruana, con 48 años de trabajo al servicio de la promoción del desarrollo social y del fortalecimiento de las capacidades de los sectores excluidos del Perú.
desco cuenta con un equipo multidisciplinario de 110 profesionales y técnicos comprometidos con el país a partir de su misión institucional. Todos sus integrantes comparten una cultura institucional de solidaridad, calidad y competitividad, basada en el reconocimiento de la diversidad, en la capacitación permanente de su capital humano y en la transparencia y el carácter democrático de su gestión.
Promovemos con los sectores populares alternativas de desarrollo que mejoran su calidad de vida.
desco es una institución que lidera propuestas de desarrollo que inciden en políticas públicas y de cooperación.
desco asume como parte de su historia, de su misión y definición institucional, cinco principios frente a los sectores con los que trabaja y las instituciones de cooperación al desarrollo con las que se vincula:
* Trabajamos por un desarrollo nacional equitativo, sostenible y descentralizado, basado en una institucionalidad democrática y participativa.
* Sostenemos que el fortalecimiento de capacidades económicas, sociales, políticas y culturales mejora la posición de los grupos menos favorecidos en la sociedad.
* Creemos que la construcción de ciudadanía y el fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil mejora la participación de los sectores populares en la política y el mercado.
Cultivamos un pensamiento crítico orientado al desarrollo humano y la democratización de la sociedad para generar propuestas de política alternativas.
Somos una institución democrática, innovadora y plural, cuyos miembros practican y promueven los valores éticos y la solidaridad.
Working Themes
Displaced, Homeless, Low income, Peasants, Women, Youth
Architecture, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, ESC rights, Financing, Gender, Housing crisis, Human rights, Informal settlements, Post-disaster reconstruction, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Sustainable environment, UN system, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Networking, Project management, Research, Solidarity campaign
Deutsche Entwicklungshilfe Für Soziales Wohnungs-UND
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DESWOS was founded with the stautory duty to contribute to the elimination of the lack of housing for the poorest population groups in the Third World by means of assistance in self-help.
Working Themes
Development Action Group
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South Africa
Dag is a leading urban development NGO in the Western Cape that supports and impliments community housing and development projects and processes and that works towards the creation of an enabling, community sensitive policy environment.
To imagine (create, implement and support opportunities) for community-centred human settlement development and advocate for and foster a pro poor policy environment which addresses economic, social and spatial imbalances.
To imagine (create, implement and support opportunities) for community-centred human settlement development and advocate for and foster a pro poor policy environment which addresses economic, social and spatial imbalances.
Working Themes
Landless, Squatters
Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Informal settlements, Right to the city, Subsidies, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Networking, Research
Development Alternatives
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Working Themes
Development Indian Ocean Network
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DION – The Development Indian Ocean Network – seeks to promote economic, housing and environmental development through Non Governmental Organizations of the Indian Ocean Islands of Africa, and to strengthen collaboration and communication among NGOs, and NGOs and Governments through consultations and capacity building.
Working Themes
Farmers, Homeless, Squatters
Agriculture, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Cultural Heritage, Disaster mitigation, Health, Housing rights, Human rights, Livelihoods, Squatting-occupation, Urban planning
Communication and dissemination, Coordination, Fact finding mission field search, Networking, Project management, Solidarity campaign
Development Initiatives Network
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To achieve leadership position as a resource and research centre by using qualitative research to promote social justice in Nigeria.
DIN promotes a human rights-focused approach to development and aims to build a strong policy community on a range of focal issues including the protection of women and children’s rights.
DIN’s activities emphasize policy research, advocacy, networking and information dissemination
Working Themes
Development Workshop - Angola
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Development Workshop has been working in Angola since 1981 at the national government’s request to assist in developing policies and programs for human settlements and self-help housing. Through the last decades, DW has adopted a strategy of supporting the emerging Angolan civil society and the
process of local government decentralisation while working closely with local community organisations.
Working Themes
Displaced, Emigrants, Landless, Low income, Refugees, Squatters, Street vendors, Tenants, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Architecture, Armed-ethnic conflict, Basic services, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Disaster mitigation, Displacement, Dispossession, Education, ESC rights, Financing, Forced evictions, Gender, Gentrification, Housing and land rights, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Livelihoods, Microfinances-microcredits, Neighborhood rehabilitation-upgrading, Post-disaster reconstruction, Property rights, Public Space, Public-social housing, Right to the city, Rural planning, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Squatting-occupation, Transitional Justice, UN system, Urban planning
Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Local Governance, Public policies
Development Workshop France
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DWF works to develop local capacities to resolve human settlement problems, with a specific focus on difficulties rlated to socio-economic, environmental and climate change (natural disasters). We have over 30 years experince of helping local communities develop and imprve shte way they manage their built environment. Paricular focus is on West Africa and South East Asia, but experience is much wider
Working Themes
Development Workshop-Canada
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Is an organisation working to improve the living conditions for the poor in less developed communities. The focus is on shelter, settlement planning, water and sanitation, health, small enterprise and disaster mitigation.
Working Themes
Dibeen for Environmental Development
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Network, NGO, Social movement
Dibeen Association for Environmental Development seeks to introduce a new model in the environmental field, especially with the emergence of recent environmental problems in parallel with the development of modern methods and techniques to protect the environment from such risks. Moreover, to convert these solutions to development projects and activities with social and economic effects, represented in the establishment of innovative environmental projects and launch of an online national environmental network.
Working Themes
Children, Farmers, Low income, Refugees, Women, Youth
Architecture, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, ESC rights, Gender, Human rights, Right to the city, Rural planning, Urban planning
Advocacy, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Education and training, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Project management, Public policies
Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi Center for Culture and Development
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Transfer the march of Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi and his culture and principles to the society specially to the future generations and concentration on youth. His march described as a title of national unity, incorruptibility, integrity, transparency and democracy.
– To Strengthen the role of the Palestinian society in the national struggle for his national, inalienable, and legitimate rights where it aims to the stop of the occupation and to ensure his right in return and self-
– To reinforce the concepts of democracy, freedom of expression, culture of tolerance, and accept other.
– To Revive the idea of voluntary work and human development.
– To establish a platform for dialogue by attract international and local figures to achieve cultural communication
and to gain supporting for our rights.
– To reinforce the culture of citizenship based on the equality and non-discrimination in regardless to religion, sex, race, color, language, and gender.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Displaced, Elderly, Emigrants, Epidemics and diseases, Ethnic, Farmers, Homeless, People under occupation, Refugees, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Armed-ethnic conflict, Cultural Heritage, Discrimination, Displacement, Dispossession, Education, ESC rights, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Gender, Human rights, Right to the city
Communication and dissemination, Coordination, Education and training, Networking, Urgent actions
Droit à la (Belle) Ville
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Social organization
Local, National, Regional
Fédérer les habitants des quartiers du Grand Belleville, à Paris, situé sur quatre arrondissements de Paris : 20 ème , 19 ème , 11ième et 10 ème autour de la lutte pour le droit à la ville, pour toutes et tous.
Produire une analyse et une réflexion sur les processus de spéculation immobilière et foncière en œuvre dans ce quartier et les conséquences sur les
Mener des actions pour dénoncer le processus de gentrification et de refoulement
des habitants les plus pauvres, précaires, des migrants en dehors de ces quartiers.
Faire le lien avec d’autres mouvements similaires et travailler en coordination
avec eux, tant à l’échelle parisienne que régionale, nationale et avec des liens
forts à l’international afin de démontrer les causes structurelles de ces processus.
Working Themes
Immigrants, Low income, Squatters, Tenants, Unemployed
Forced evictions, Gentrification, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Land rights, Right to the city, Urban planning
Grassroots initiatives, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Dustha Shasthya Kendra
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Working Themes
Eastern Africa Coalition on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
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The mission of EACOR is to cooperate for realisation of Economic Social and cultural rights(ESCR) of people and communities in Eastern Africa through strengthening the existing organisations’ capacities.
EACOR seeks to network and build partnerships around ESCR especially in form of supporting consultative workshops and advocacy coalitions at national regional and international levels. It also collects and disseminates information that involves mapping exercises on ESCR so as to identify actors and issues for engagement at national, regional and international levels. EACOR intends to build capacity of partners on ESCR for skills development and replication. It seeks also to support lobbying and advocacy actions aimed at creating change and transforming socio-economic and cultural status of people living in poverty and injustice through national regional and international mechanisms. EACOR is housed by Building Eastern Africa Community Network (BEACON)
Working Themes
Egyptian Association for Collective Rights
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Working Themes
Access to natural resources, Agriculture, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, ESC rights, Extraterritorial obligations, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Forced evictions, Gender, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Land rights, Livelihoods, Microfinances-microcredits, Privatization, Property rights, Public Space, Public-social housing, Reparations-restitution of rights, Right to the city, Right to water, Rural planning, SDGs&MDGs, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Sustainable environment, Transitional Justice
Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Coordination, Grassroots initiatives, Habitat Conferences, Legal frameworks, Local Governance, Networking, Norms and standards, Public policies, Research, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms
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Social organization, Voluntary
Working on the right to adequate housing and advocacy campaigns
Working Themes
Children, Displaced, Emigrants, Epidemics and diseases, Ethnic, Homeless, Immigrants, Indigenous peoples, Internal migrants, Landless, Low income, Refugees, Religious, Slum dwellers, Stateless, Women
Basic services: Water&sanitation, Climate change, Displacement, Education
Advocacy, Advocacy>Advocacy on Events, Education and training
EI Ceibo T.B (Red Hábitat Argentina)
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Es una Red Organizaciones, y su principal lucha es por el Acceso a una hábitat adecuado para las personas con serias dificultades en su desarrollo económico.
Working Themes
El Enjambre Colectivo
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International, National
Puerto Rico
El Enjambre Colectivo es una organización sin fines de lucro que tiene como parte de su propósito promover el derecho a la vivienda y a la ciudad, la tenencia colectiva de la tierra, la justicia climática y las prácticas participativas, con énfasis en comunidades marginadas y asentamientos autogestionados en Puerto Rico y en el extranjero. Contribuye a desarrollar la infraestructura de apoyo a soluciones equitativas, participativas, transversales y justas.
Working Themes
Slum dwellers
Climate change, Commons, Gentrification, Housing and land rights, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Informal settlements, Population transfers, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Grassroots initiatives, Networking, Public policies, Technical assistance
Enda Inter-Arabe
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Lutter contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion par l’accès au crédit et l’appui à la micro-entreprise.
enda inter-arabe est une ONG internationale de développement à but non lucratif, membre de la famille ENDA Tiers-Monde (Dakar, Sénégal) présente dans 21 pays de par le monde.
Créée en 1990 et proposant des services de micro-crédit depuis 1995, enda inter-arabe a su développer son activité et assurer sa pérennité grâce à l’application des « bonnes pratiques » recommandées par tous les organismes internationaux de développement.
Enda a ainsi démontré que les « bonnes pratiques », indispensables à la réussite durable d’une activité de micro-crédit, sont aussi efficaces en Tunisie que dans le reste du monde : les micro-entrepreneurs tunisiens sont prêts à payer à leur juste prix des services financiers de proximité répondant à leurs besoins.
Enda inter-arabe est membre fondateur du réseau de la micro-finance pour les pays arabes, Sanabel, et membre du réseau PlaNet Finance.
Working Themes
Enginyeria Sense Fronteres Catalunya
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Cooperar en la consecución de una sociedad internacional justa, que se desarrolle sin excluir a nadie, construyendo y poniendo en práctica los derechos humanos fundamentales, económicos, sociales y culturales, individuales y colectivos en cualquier parte del mundo.
Atendidas nuestras capacidades, aquellos derechos y los procesos más directamente relacionados con la provisión de servicios básicos y la gestión de los recursos y el territorio, tienen una especial atención dentro esta misión.
Working Themes
Low income
Environnement et Développement du Tiers-Monde
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Depuis 1983, le RUP d’Enda Tiers Monde :
agit sur le terrain pour et avec les habitants (villageois et citadins) et les décideurs
anime et participe à plusieurs réseaux et programmes d’échange d’expériences et de réflexion au niveau international
diffuse deux revues trimestrielles (l’une en français, l’autre en anglais) et réalise des publications pour diffuser les résultats de la recherche-action qu’il mène.
Axes de travail (domaines d’intervention) :
En développant des outils méthodologiques et des innovations technologiques, le RUP tente de contribuer à une meilleure gestion des villes et villages, pour une amélioration des conditions de vie des populations défavorisées. Son action s’articule autour de cinq axes principaux :
Développement d’outils pour un aménagement concerté des villes et villages.
Appui :
a) à la production sociale de biens et services de base en milieu urbain et périurbain défavorisé.
b) au développement d’un micro entreprenariat local lié à la gestion intégrée de l’environnement.
Renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la ville (acteurs populaires et autorités locales) : éducation et formation.
Promotion d’une planification plus concertée des villes, dans le cadre d’un effort commun de gestion urbaine (Agendas 21 locaux).
Animation de réseaux de réflexion, d’échanges et de collecte/diffusion de l’information.
Working Themes
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
×Basic information
We are a school of civil engineering with undergraduate and graduate programmes (master and PhD degrees).
Our main field of work related to Habitat Coalition is housing and urban management, including particularly housing for low-income people and the recovery of deteriorated urban settlements
Working Themes
Escuela del Hábitat/Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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Professional capacitation in programs pre and post graduate with emphasis in habitat studies, human settlements and local development. We support community programs, particularly in themes like urban renovation, local habitat improvement and application of politics org. and social development.
Working Themes
Espace Associatif
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Working Themes
Facultad de Arquitectura y Universidad Central de Venezuela
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Working Themes
Federaçao dos Orgaos para Assistencia Social e Educacional
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Working Themes
Federación de Cooperativas de Vivienda de Usuarios por Ahorro Previo
×Basic information
CBO, Educational, Funding, Network, Professional/Technical, Social movement, Social organization, Women’s organization
National, Regional
Los objetivos institucionales de FECOVI están definidos como:
-la reivindicación del sistema de ahorro previo como solución al problema habitacional
-la defensa gremial de las cooperativas de ahorro previo
-la promoción y creación de nuevas cooperativas de vivienda
-la planificación y ejecución de programas de capacitación cooperativa
-la coordinación de acciones con otras organizaciones que pretendan eliminar el déficit habitacional
-la coordinación de acciones con organizaciones de otras modalidades cooperativas en la defensa y promoción del cooperativismo.
– el ejercicio de la intercooperación y la coordinación con otras instituciones y organizaciones sociales, ya sean locales, regionales o internacionales, preocupadas por el hábitat y el derecho a la tierra y a la ciudad, el medio ambiente sostenible, la gentrificación y los procesos de descentralización y planificación urbana.
*Ver documento en papel ” El Cooperativismo de Vivienda de Usuarios por Ahorro Previo de Uruguay”
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Elderly, Homeless, Immigrants, Internal migrants, Low income, People under occupation, Tenants, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Architecture, Basic services: Infrastructure, Climate change, Destruction of habitat, Discrimination, Displacement, ESC rights, Financing, Gender, Gentrification, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Megaprojects, Microfinances-microcredits, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Subsidies, Sustainable environment, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Constitutional amendments, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Legal frameworks, Networking, Project management, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Research, Solidarity campaign
Federacion de Villas, Nucleos y Barrios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
×Basic information
La Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginados (FEDEVI) se constituye en 1996 Uno de sus objetivos es integrar ñas villas a la ciudad a través de la reunificación de todo el movimiento villero.hacia adentro, y a la vez potenciarlo hacia afuera, hacia el conjunto de la sociedad. A medidos de 1997, FEDEVI lanza el anteproyecto de la ley de Radicación y transformación. Su antecedente fue el Programa de Radicación y Transformación de Villas de la Capital iniciado en 1990. Logros alcanzados: Grado de la Organización, A cercamiento con otras organizaciones sociales de base de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Implementación de Proyectos con financiamiento Nacional para todas la Villas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Financiamientos de Programas de Empleo para el desarrollo urbanístico de los barrios.
Working Themes
Federación Tierra y Vivienda
×Basic information
Social movement
La unión, solidaridad y organización de la comunidad a través de los procesos social/político de acceso a la tierra, la vivienda y el hábitat integral que abarca la educación, la cultura, la producción social de la economía, con la mirada de genero y la diversidad en el amplio territorio de las 24 provincias de Argentina.
Working Themes
Ethnic, Homeless, Immigrants, Indigenous peoples, Landless, LGBTQ, Low income, Peasants, Squatters, Stateless, Street vendors, Tenants, Unemployed, Women, Youth
Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Education, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Forced evictions, Gender, Gentrification, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rehabilitation-upgrading, Housing rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Land rights, Public-social housing, Right to the city, Rural planning, Security of tenure, Social Function of Property, Social Production of Habitat, Squatting-occupation, Subsidies, Technologies, Urban planning, usucaption
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy>Advocacy on Bodies, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Legal frameworks, Public policies, Public programs and budgets
Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativistas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua
×Basic information
The first mutual aid housing cooperatives emerged in the country in 1966, when three pilot experiences, composed of labor activists from the Uruguayan hinterland, were sponsored and supported by a nonprofit private organization: the Uruguayan Cooperative Center (CCU). These cooperatives became an alternative housing solution for ninety-five families. This program was financed by the national government and the Inter-American Bank (IDB), as part of a bilateral agreement for the construction of 4.100 housing units. At the end of 1969, with reference to all the programs built in the country, both by the state and by the private sector, these co- operatives had achieved the best results in terms of costs and final qualities.
With the inclusion of the cooperative system in the National Housing Act, passed in 1968, this alternative was rapidly replicated throughout the country. The years that followed the approval of the Housing Act saw the emergence and consolidation of the cooperative movement: from three projects built in 1969 to a reality of 210 cooperatives under construction in 1971, meaning housing solutions for more than 6.700 low-income families of urban areas. Between 1970 and 1973, thousands of members of labor unions and dwellers of working class settlements organized and turned to the Institutes of Technical Assistance (IATs) for support and advice to set up housing cooperatives. Until 1975 the cooperative movement was the main receiver of loans from the National Housing Fund; at the end of this period, one of every two loans provided by the National Mortgage Bank (BHU) was to mutual aid cooperatives.
The foundation of the Uruguayan Federation of Mutual Aid Housing Cooperatives (FUCVAM), in 1970, was a fundamental factor in the consolidation of mutual aid cooperatives as a social force, becoming one of the most powerful urban social movements of contemporary Uruguayan history. During the immediate years that followed its foundation, FUCVAM obtained important achievements that contributed to the expansion of the cooperative proposal: larger and faster allocation of land for housing cooperatives, acceleration of the administrative procedures for approval of the legal status, negotiation of better terms and conditions for the loans, were some of the most important goals achieved.
After thirty years of the enactment of the National Housing Act in Uruguay, mutual aid cooperatives have proved to be the system allowing to obtain the best solutions at the lowest costs (with more than 16.000 units already built) and the best results as regards up keeping, maintenance and urban complementation of housing projects, as well as the one that has best fitted the needs of the beneficiaries, and that has appreciated and used the community spaces in the best way.
After construction of the dwellings is completed, the organization that the groups acquire during the building period -which is later extended as the collective ownership system which most of them have chosen as the structure of use and administration of the common state- has naturally led them to approach, also collectively, other common social problems; thus, multiple community-oriented initiatives of social development have been promoted, as a grassroots contribution to improving the quality of life of the cooperative members and settlers of the surrounding neighborhoods to which the cooperative is open.
Nowadays FUCVAM is composed by 320 cooperatives (18.000 families). The Uruguayan housing cooperative system is being developed in several countries as Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentine, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
FUCVAM is involved in a few networks such as HIC (Habitat International Coalition), SELVIP (Secretaría Latinoamericana de Vivienda Popular), ICA- Housing Co-operatives (International Co-operative Alliance).
At the moment FUCVAM is interested in integrating new networks oriented to other thematic areas such as political education, social alliances, fight against the neoliberalism, etc.
The present Workshop turns out very opportune to interchange experiences of communitarian development, political actions and transformation of the daily issues.
Working Themes
Children, Elderly, Landless, Tenants, Women
Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, ESC rights, Housing cooperatives, Housing crisis, Housing rights, Inheritance rights, Land rights, Microfinances-microcredits, Right to the city, Security of tenure, Social Production of Habitat, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Grassroots initiatives, Networking, Public policies, Public programs and budgets, Solidarity campaign
Female Architects of Nigeria
×Basic information
The organization works to promote the role of women in the profession of architecture and to create awareness in the country. It undertakes rehabilitation of housing programmes for widows and skills upgrading projects.
Working Themes
Femmes Côte d'Ivoire Expérience
×Basic information
Côte d'Ivoire
Femmes côte d’ivoire est une organisation non gouvernementale(ONG) à but non lucratif travaillant pour la consolidation du bien être de la femme, de la famille et de l’enfant.Elle travaille essentiellement en milieu rual au bien être de la population à la base.Elle travaille dans differents domaines dont la priorité est axée sur l’education à la culture de paix, l la formation, la sante sociale par la promotion de l’habitat amelioré aux services des plus demunis et des femmes des marchés,La la sansibilisation sur le VIH/SIDA , l’eau et les femmes en milieu rural par la valorisation des valeurs culturelles locales.L’approvisionnement en eau potable par la construction des cintures de secirités autour des marigots.Assistance humanitaireSensibilisation à la reconciliation nationale et à la cohabitation pacifique
Working Themes
Femmes Rurales Amies de la Paix et du Développement
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CBO, Women’s organization
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Accompagner les personnes vulnérables, marginalisées et longtemps victimes des traditions, pratiques rétrogrades et des guerres à répétition à l’Est de la RDC vers une émancipation et dignité.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Epidemics and diseases, Homeless, Indigenous peoples, Nomads, Refugees, Women
Access to natural resources, Agriculture, Climate change, Communication, Education, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Gender, Health, Housing crisis, Housing rights>Housing and land rights, Human rights, Informal settlements, Livelihoods, Sustainable environment, Transitional Justice
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives
Fomento Solidario de la Vivienda A.C.
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Working Themes
Fondation Abbe Pierre pour le logement des Defavorises
×Basic information
Housing rehabilitation in France and abroad. Local org. submit their projects and we gsive them funds if it fits our aims. We also welcome the homeless in our centres that are open during the day.
Working Themes
Fondation des Femmes Actives Pour la Promotion de L'Education de la Femme et de l'Enfant
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NGO, Women’s organization
Provide a sustainable and better future for women and girls: an educated girl, an empowered woman and a balanced family.provide education to children in need.FAPEFE is a non-governmental, not for profit organization, working in Cameroon with Reg. No: 00330/RDA/JO6/BAPP . Since its inception in may 2001, the organization has been working with children/youths, parents, government bodies and intergovernmental bodies in the promotion of community welfare and youth education. It works to identify the needs of the child especially the rural child/youths, the underprivileged and the weaker section of the society through participatory approach.
Objectives :
Produce quality education for needy women , children and girls
Reduce the high illetteracy and under-education rate
Promote the economic, social and cultural development of youth
Promote environmental and agricultural education
Give basic professionnal, technical and classical education to underpriviledged young people
Protect and make known the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child through education
Assist the needy child irrespective of tribe, origin, sex or religion, in the domain of social welfare
Protect the child from sexual exploitation, child labour and forced child marriage
Assist children in prisons, orphanages, centers for the disabled and street children
Organize youth leadership training and youth exchange programs
Actively take part in the prevention of HIV/AIDS,Cholera and MAlaria especially in children/youths and women
Assist the government educational efforts and work with others organisations and associations following the same objectives.
FAPEFE’s Mission :
Offer and promote inclusive and integral quality education to the benefit of the disadvanteged and vulnerable children,women,orphans and disabled in low incomes areas as well as their social welfare.
Working Themes
Children, Disability, Epidemics and diseases, Immigrants, Internal migrants, Landless, Low income, Women, Youth
Access to natural resources, Basic services: Energy, Basic services: Infrastructure, Basic services: Solid waste, Basic services: Water&sanitation, Destruction of habitat, Disaster mitigation, Discrimination, ESC rights, Food (rights - sovereignty - crisis), Forced evictions, Gender, Health, Human rights, Informal settlements, Inheritance rights, Livelihoods, Social Production of Habitat, Sustainable environment, Urban planning
Accompanying social processes, Advocacy, Communication and dissemination, Consulting, Education and training, Fact finding mission field search, Grassroots initiatives, Networking, Project management, Solidarity campaign, Urgent actions
Fonds de Garantie Hypothécaire
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mon organisation a pour mission de faciliter l’octroi de credit pour le financement de l’habitat.
S’occupe des investissement pour l’ amenagement urbain des localités urbaines et aussi des programmes de developpement des communes.
Working Themes
Foreign Student Department of School of Architecture
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Working Themes
Foro Nacional por Colombia
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La misión de Foro es contribuir a la construcción y consolidación de instituciones sociales y políticas democráticas a través de la promoción de la participación ciudadana, el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones sociales, la formación de nuevos liderazgos y la promoción de una cultura de los derechos humanos. Sus prop{ositos est{an encauzados a la búsqueda de la democratización de la sociedad y el Estado Colombiano, promoviendo procesos orientados a la construcción de una cultura democrática basada en el respeto por los Derechos Humanos; al ejercicio pleno de la ciudadanía; a la promoción de la participación activa de los ciudadanos; al reconocimiento de la igualdad de las mujeres y a la formación de opinión pública, crítica de su entorno y propositiva en diversos ámbitos de la vida local y nacional.
Working Themes
Foro Urbano
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