Amendments to the HIC Constitution – 3rd proposal


 Third draft of the Constitution!

decision to amend the HIC Constitution was made during the General Assembly
meeting in Naples on 2 September 2012. A committee was formed to produce a
first draft of proposed amendments, which will be presented and voted on in the
upcoming General Assembly meeting in Tunis on 28 March 2013 (for more
background, please see point 6.6 in the minutes).

to the current Constitution, the proposed amendments must be presented to and
approved by the General Assembly during the upcoming meeting in Tunis on 28
March 2013.

invite all HIC Members and Friends to participate in the amendment process, by
visiting the “Amendments to the HIC Constitution” section on the home page of
the Member Space.

If you have any trouble
accessing the Member Space, pleasecontact the General Secretariat at