The main issues that raise deep concern and lead to proposals between the social organisations and movements, NGO’s and other members of Habitat International Coalition (HIC) are:
§ the massive scale of evictions in Asia,
§ the lack of basic services and of women’s rights to land tenure in Africa,
§ the need of legal and financial instruments to facilitate the housing production and management for and by the people in Latin America,
§ fighting against the increasing privatisation of social housing and equipment in Europe and North America,
§ denouncing of the social impacts inflicted by war and violence in the Middle East.
Taking vantage of the diversity of HIC members, we denounce the violation of the right to land and housing; we denounce the negative social impacts of the neo liberal housing policies; and we propose alternatives to the people’s process of housing production in the countryside and in the cities.
To celebrate NOW the Right to Land and Housing, the members of HIC are calling to 41 events in 24 countries.