Call to ratify or reject the regional representation of Europe to the HIC Board (2023-2027) by the Team Alexandre A. Frediani/Irene Escorihuela


Two candidates, forming a mixed team, have been nominated to represent Europe to the HIC Board: Alexandre Apsan Frediani (International Institute for Environment and Development, UK) and Irene Escorihuela (Observatori DESC – Observatori dels Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals – Spain) have accepted this double nomination. If this proposal to work as a team is ratified by your votes, Alex and Irene will represent the region at  the HIC Board, Alex being the Representative and Irene his Alternate, following the internal decision they have taken.

HIC Members in good standing in Europe are invited to express their agreement or disagreement with the joint team by voting from 7 June to 18 June 2023 (23:59 Central European Time) through two options:

1)     Endorse the regional representation by the team

2)     Reject the regional representation by the team

Please send your vote in English, Spanish or French, at the following mailboxes:
EC Mailbox:, with copies to:
– Yiorgos Papamanousakis (,
– Pascale Thys (,
– Erik Berg (

The EC Coordinator will acknowledge receipt of the votes by email.


To :
My name: XXX
The organisation I belong to:  XXX- YES, I endorse the regional representation by the team  (Alexandre Frediani: Representative, Irene Escorihuela: Alternate)


– NO, I reject the regional representation by the team


The votes will be counted and verified on 19 June and the results of the votes ratifying or not ratifying the Alex/Irene team will be released on 20 June 2023.

We are looking forward your participation to this electoral process!

HIC end of year 2024 message

HIC end of year 2024 message

Dear HIC Members, Friends and Allies, As we wrap up 2024, the HIC-GS sends our best wishes for a restful and joyful end to the year.  It is a pleasure [...]