Open letter to the G8

Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (HIC-HLRN Member) and local partners have issued the following open letter to the G8 Summit currently meeting at Heilgendamm, Germany.

BEIT ARABIYA Threatened with demolition for the fifth time in Israel

On February 7, 2007, a three judge panel of the Israeli Supreme Court (Justices Eliezer Rivlin, Ayala Procaccia and David Cheshin) heard the second appeal of Salim and Arabiya Shawamreh’s appeal to have the 15-year demolition order on their home rescinded – a permanent order under which the family has had its home demolished four times. They also petitioned the Court to instruct the authorities to issue them a building permit. According to Labib Habib, the Shawamreh’s lawyer, the hearing did not go well. A negative ruling is expected any day, and as soon as it is issued the Civil Administration, Israel’s military government over the Occupied Territories, can order the home demolished for the fifth time.