International Municipalism and the Right to the City: Cities in the Age of Globalization


Date of publication: Fecha de publicación:12/2019

Author: Raquel Rolnik and  Eva Garcia Chueca, coordinadoras científicas

In the era of globalization, cities are emerging on the international scene, demanding an active role in global governance, with their own messages and sometimes as a counterweight and resistance to national policies or global strategies. This trend, however, finds brakes and challenges in processes of an increasingly transnational nature that escape even the sphere of action of states. One of the narratives recently adopted by international municipalism is that of the “right to the city”, an expression that has emerged from the streets and social movements and has been penetrating the institutional world and public policies at the local and international levels. Its use and impact in this context is a topic little explored in the academic literature. Issue 123 of the CIDOB Journal of Afers Internacionals attempts to fill this gap: from a multidisciplinary, transversal approach, it explores the intersections between the right to the city and international municipalism.