M. Lorena Zárate
More information and contact details:
Website: hic-net.org – www.hic-al.org
E-mail: hicpresident@hic-net.org – lorenazarate@yahoo.com
Huatusco 39, Col. Roma Sur – 06760 México D.F.
Tel: (+52-55) 5512 1586 – Telefax: (+52-55) 5512 6726
Skype: lorenahical / Twitter:
Lorena studied History at the National University of La Plata,
Argentina. At the same time, she worked as a member of the editing and
publishing team for the Centre for Environmental Studies and Projects (Fundación
CEPA), the Latin American Forum for Environmental Studies (FLACAM) and the
journal Environment.
She moved to Mexico City in 1999. In 2000,
she started collaborating with Fomento Solidario de la Vivienda (FOSOVI) and
other members of the Mexico Habitat Coalition (CHM for its initials in Spanish),
the former HIC-GS team and the Urban Popular Movement in the organization of
the first World Assembly of Inhabitants. Between 2003 and 2011, Lorena was the coordinator
of the HIC-Latin American Regional Office. In late 2011, she was elected as HIC
president (2011-2015).
During these years, Lorena has been
involved in the elaboration and dissemination of the World Charter for the
Right to the City, the consultation process to define the Mexico City Human
Rights Program, and the Promoting Committee for the elaboration of the Mexico
City Charter for the Right to the City, among several other local and national
At international level, she has been
working in close collaboration with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to
Adequate Housing as well as with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights for the elaboration of thematic reports and recommendations for
national and local governments on how to improve security of tenure, land and
housing rights and the right to the city worldwide.
She has co-edited and published books and
articles in Latin America, North America, South Africa and Europe on issues
related to housing rights, social production and management of habitat and the
right to the city (see below).
She has
participated as a speaker in numerous workshops, seminars and conferences, as
well as in meetings with HIC members and allies, local communities, activists
and authorities in 27 countries, many of those within the framework of the
World Urban Forum and the World Social Forum.
She has also
given presentations and public lectures at universities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil,
Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and USA. In 2013, she was awarded the John Bousfield Distinguished Visitorship
from the Geography and Urban Planning Program at the University of Toronto,
More recently, she has made statements and
presentations as HIC representative at the UN Human Rights Council and the
first Integration Segment on the ECOSOC related to urbanization, the Post-2015
Sustainable Development Agenda and the Habitat III process.
She is currently co-coordinator of an international project to promote a
Global Platform for the Right to the City, working in close collaboration with
HIC staff and members, as well as with social movements, NGOs and international
networks to develop a common action plan for advancing networking and alliances,
research and capacity building, and communication and advocacy strategies.
Publications and Editing Work
Ortiz Flores Enrique and Zárate M. Lorena (Editors). 2002. Vivitos y coleando. 40
años trabajando por el hábitat popular en América Latina (40 years working for popular habitat in Latin America). Mexico.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, HIC-AL.
Flores Enrique and Zárate M. Lorena (Editors). 2005. De la marginación a la
ciudadanía. 38 casos de producción y gestión social del hábitat. (From Marginality to Citizenship. 38 cases of Social Production and Management
of Habitat). Barcelona. Forum de las Culturas, HIC, HIC-AL.
Flores Enrique, Nehls Nadia and Zárate M. Lorena (Editors). 2008. El Derecho
a la Ciudad en el Mundo. Compilación de documentos relevantes
para el debate. (The
Right to the City in the World. Dossier of Relevant Documents for the Debate).
Mexico. HIC-AL.
Saule Júnior Nelson, Zárate Lorena y Emanuelli Maria Silvia (Coord). 2014.
Moving toward the Implementation of
the Right to the City in Latin America and Internationally. Instituto
Pólis, HIC, Fórum Nacional de Reforma Urbana.
Wigle, Jill and Zárate M. Lorena. 2010. Mexico City Creates Charter for the Right to the City.
Progressive Planning, Nº 184 (Summer), pp. 13-16.
Wigle, Jill and Zárate M. Lorena. 2012. Realizing the Right to the City,
From Declaration to Action? Progressive Planning, N° 193 (Fall), pp.
Zárate M. Lorena and Emanuelli María Silvia. 2006. Megaproyectos de ‘desarrollo’: ¿combate o aumento de la pobreza? (Mega
projects of ‘Development’: poverty reduction or augmentation?) In El
derecho a no ser pobre. La pobreza como violación de los derechos humanos. (The Right to Not Be
Poor. Poverty as a Human Rights Violation). Montevideo.
Social Watch, pp. 67-74.
Zárate M.
Lorena. 2008. Hacia la implementación del Derecho a la Ciudad en América
Latina: ¿habrá lugar para la sociedad civil en la toma de decisiones? (Towards
the implementation of the Right to the City in Latin America: Will there be a
place for the civil society in decision-making processes?). Right to
Housing and to the City in Latin America. Centre on Housing Rights and
Evictions-COHRE, Nº 2 (Sept-Oct), pp. 3-4.
Zárate M. Lorena.
2008. ¿Dónde vamos a vivir? Otras miradas a desafíos conocidos (Where
are we going to live? A new look at well-known challenges). Article
published at Asuntos del Sur website (October).
Zárate M. Lorena. 2010. Mexico
City Charter: The Right to Build the City We Dream About. In Cities
for All. Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City (A.
Sugranyes and C. Mathivet, Editors). Santiago de Chile. Habitat International
Coalition, pp. 259-266.
Zárate M. Lorena. 2010. El derecho a la ciudad en boca de tod@s:
hablemos de cómo avanzar en la reforma urbana (The Right to the City in everyone’s lips: let’s discuss how to advance
in Urban Reform). Right to Housing and to the City in
Latin America. Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions-COHRE, Nº 7 (May), pp.
8-9. Special issue on V World Urban Forum (Rio de Janeiro, March 2010).
Zárate M. Lorena. 2010. The Mega-City Squeeze. Amandla!
Magazine, Nº 17/18 (Nov-Dec), pp. 33-35.
Zárate M. Lorena. 2011. El derecho a la ciudad: luchas urbanas por el buen vivir (The Right to the City: Urban Struggles for
the Good Living / Buen Vivir). In El
derecho a la ciudad (Estel.la Pareja Morte, compilación e introducción). Barcelona. Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya,
Observatori DESC, pp 53-70.
With minor editions, the same article is
included in Desde La Región Magazine, N° 55, April 2014, pp. 4-19.
Zárate M. Lorena. 2014. El derecho a la ciudad: luchas y propuestas para la reforma urbana
(The Right to the City: Struggles and
Proposals for the Urban Reform). In Claiming the City: Civil Society
Mobilisation by the Urban Poor (Heidi Moksnes and Mia Melin editors). Uppsala
University, pp.33-51
Zárate M. Lorena. 2014. The Right to the City: Strategic Approach for the Post-2015 and the
Habitat III Global Agendas. Opinion piece for UN-NGLS online magazine.
The same article was also published at Progressive Magazine N° 200 (Summer
2014), pp. 15-18.
Zárate M. Lorena. 2014. Building inclusive, equitable, democratic, safe and sustainable cities
and human settlements. Opinion piece for an online debate on an Urban
SDG organized by The Nature of Cities.