(ENG) Bloody Eviction in Karachi City


Dear friends,

A bloody forced eviction incident took place last October 3 in Karachi City
two days after UN-Habitat and governments observed World Habitat Day.
Police opened fire on the protesting residents, including many women and
children. The demolition operation was carried out against the Jumma Goth,
a centuries old village.

The way it was carried out was not unlike a military operation – catch the
residents by surprise (hence no prior notice was given, no consultations
were done), bring in the bulldozers and the armed policemen, including
snipers perched in some buildings, no negotiations with the residents but
shoot them when they ask questions.

This operation was ordered by the Karachi City government which is run by
the MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement). In May 2007 the same MQM government
launched a bloody forced eviction campaign that destroyed thousands of
houses. It violently repressed those who protested, killing one person and
wounding several others.

This MQM used to invoke human rights when they were still not in power and
regularly went to the United Nations to complain that their human rights
were violated by the government of Pakistan at that time. Now they have
blood in their hands from violating the rights of poor people.