HIC is currently implementing the project ‘Asserting people’s habitat rights at all levels’, co-funded by MISEREOR-KZE, jointly with Ford Foundation, FAO and FPH (Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme). The HIC external evaluation of the MISEREOR projects implemented jointly by HIC-GS and HIC-HLRN took place between June 2019 and February 2020 and concentrated on the current project and the two previous projects related to ‘Integrating People’s Housing and Land Rights with Sustainable Development’ and ‘Strengthening HIC Operation Coordination, Member Capabilities and Advocacy’, thus covering the overall implementation period since January 2014 until December 2019.
The results of this evaluation, gathered in the report, provide an overview of HIC’s work at a glance, with a positive assessment that strengthens HIC’s work for the upcoming years. The full report with Annexes is available at the Transparency section of this website.
The main highlights:

HIC’s work is relevant for the target groups and partners HIC is working with and in the current global context. In particular, by confirming defence and full implementation of habitat, housing and land rights.
In particular, by confirming defence and full implementation of habitat, housing and land rights.
The relevance of HIC for its Members is demonstrated from the fact that HIC builds up capacities developing and applying concepts, communication techniques and advocacy methods; most important topics are housing and habitat rights, then social production of habitat, then environmental sustainability; the gender topic his emerging more prominently in recent years. The emerging work around the right to the city developed by the GPR2C has gained traction in the last 6 years since the inception of this platform.
HIC is also relevant for many other local organisations and networks up to international platforms and UN processes. For instance, jointly with its Members, HIC is playing the role of gathering and sharing of information about local and global situations and participating in campaigns related to habitat rights and their violation.

HIC’s work is consistent with the longstanding UN global goals related to human rights and the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). HIC is recognised as a very unique organisation. There is no other NGO focusing on the integral approach towards habitat related human rights.”
By orienting the Habitat III Conference and the New Urban Agenda (NUA), as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to habitat, HIC contributed to coordinated global efforts for the recognition, defence and implementation of housing and land rights, in favour of the vulnerable social sectors of the societies, despite of multiple obstacles to fully achieve them. The implementation of the NUA is very slow and the SDG fulfilment is behind track. But, only recently, the concepts have been taken up by local governments organised under UCLG, and received support and orientation from the GPR2C and HIC. There is improved understanding of the main concepts of habitat-related human rights (including right to housing, land and water) within the UN system, the GPR2C, and at the local government level through partnering with UCLG and Cities Alliance. HIC was one of the key players when establishing the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C), leading together with other organisations its design and implementation; the Platform increases the international awareness for habitat rights and its violations but also the visibility of HIC.

HIC has been effective in achieving its set objectives. It develops its strategies in a realistic way, being at the same time very ambitious, and thoroughly follows the implementation of established plans and targets, but leaving sufficient space for flexibility in order to react to new conditions or urgent needs.”
HIC has achieved many important outcomes and impacts (see the report for more info). Regarding its Membership, the results of the Survey launched for the evaluation state that the majority confirmed to be satisfied with HIC’s services and also HIC’s efficiency in providing capacity building to its Members has been rated positively.

HIC and its Member and partner networks operation is highly efficient”
According to the report “HIC is efficient in its use of personnel and financial resources. It gets all managerial tasks handled, in spite of operating globally in a 24 time zone with minimum staff and resources. It produces relevant reports and documents on time and in good quality. HIC is efficient in serving its Members”

Click here to read the full report the evaluation with annexes available at the Transparency section of this website: www.hic-net.org/coalition/transparency/