undocumented in the streets to demand housing
Les manifestants ont défilé dans le
nord de la capitale derrière une
demonstrators marched in the north of the capital behind a banner that read
“refugees, undocumented migrants, squatters, tenants, shelter for all, not
to the expulsions, “including calling several associations including Right
to Housing (DAL).
Hundreds of
migrants for most Eritreans and Sudanese, occupy a camp for several months near
the Gare d’Austerlitz.
“On est tous des sans
refuge”, a affirmé à l’AFP le porte-parole du DAL
“>”We are all without shelter,” said
AFP spokesman DAL Jean-Baptiste Eyraud.“We
want the government to take care of everyone he put in the street,” he
“Un toit pour tous, c’est la
loi”, mais “l’État la bafoue alors même que
“>”Shelter is the law,” but “the
state then flouts the same as 2.64 million homes are vacant”,” said the
DAL in a statement.
DAL fédération participe aux réseaux :
NO VOX, Réseau international des
mouvements de lutte des “sans” : http://www.novox.org
ATTAC : Association altermondialiste
contre la spéculation financière : http://www.france.attac.org
La Plate forme Logement des Mouvements
Sociaux : http://contrelelogementcher.org
115juridique.org :