HIC activities in the WSF 2005


The World Social Forum (WSF) will be in Porto Alegre from January 25 to 31, 2005. HIC bodies in partnership with other organization have registered the following activities:

– Right to the city

– The “Tool Kit” for Defending Housing and Land Rights

– Women from around the testify to struggling for housing and land rights

– Strategies towards the fulfillment of the Right to Land and the Right to Adequate Housing in the light of international, national and local perspectives

– Meeting of Urban Movements and Organizations

HIC General Assembly will be in Porto Alegre.

The venues of the workshops are to be defined by the Secretariat of the WSF. If you have heard about more activities of HIC members and HIC partners during the WSF please let us know to :

– coordinate activities and therefore avoid duplications

– disseminate them with-in HIC

– build a Coalition strategic presence at the WSF

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Detail of HIC activities at the World Social Forum

Porto Alegre, January 25-31, 2005

Right to the city

Objective: Develop action or campaign plans

Core issues: The World Charter on the Right to the Cities is a document which has been under collective development since the first World Social Forum. It is intended to contribute to urban efforts and to the process of acknowledging human rights in the international context. The right to the city is defined as the equitable use of cities within the principles of sustainability and social justice and the collective rights of inhabitants of cities —specially the most vulnerable groups—, which grant themselves legitimacy of action and organization, based on uses and customs, aimed at reaching the full exercise of the right at an appropriate standard of living.

Partners: HIC SELVIP (Latin American Popular Housing Secretariat) FNRU (National Forum of Urban Reform) – Brazil Urban Forum Ecuador Observatory on the Right to the Cities

COHRE (Center on Housing Rights and Eviction) UNESCO

Email: hic@hic-net.org

Preferred Date: 28

The “Tool Kit” for Defending Housing and Land Rights

Core issues: This event launches the HIC-HLRN Housing and Land Rights Monitoring Tool Kit in Arabic, Spanish and English-language CD format. HIC-HLRN welcomes members, friends and general public to demonstration of the Tool Kit and provides CD copies to participants working in the housing and land rights-defense field.

Partners: Housing and Land Rights Network, Habitat International Coalition and their members.

Email: jschechla@hlrn.org

Preferred Date: 28

Women from around the testify to struggling for housing and land rights

Core issues: Inheritance, land management, right to adequate housing, violence against women (VAW), economic and social rights.

Partners: Habitat International Coalition-Housing and Land RIghts Network, HIC-Women and Shelter Network, HIC-America Latina, Arab Women’s Habitat Network, Asia-Pacific Women in Law and Development, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Email: hlrn@hlrn.org

Preferred Date: 29

Struggle strategies for housing and land rights from an international, national and local viewpoint.

Core issues: – Presentation of the legal and political framework for the defense of housing rights and related conflicts (20 minutes) – Presentation of strategies and housing rights claim cases which complement social, political and legal aspects (a representative of each organization) – Debate with participants to share other experiences and strategies used.

Partners: COHRE, Social Watch, Observatory DESC (Barcelona), HIC-HLRN Habitat International Coalition-Housing and Land Rights Network

Email: hlrn@hlrn.org

Meeting of Urban Movements and Organizations

Core issues: The activity intends to consolidate a space for debate and coordination of urban movements at the international level. After the initial meeting and presentation, group work will follow in order to discuss the following items: 1) Political-organizational balance of urban movements 2) Identification of common problems and strategies in urban organizations 3) Proposal of organization of an international urban movement 4) Definition of political and organizational focal points of work. Political guidelines, as well as a program schedule of actions for the construction of an international urban movement are expected to be agreed upon based on the contributions of groups at the plenary.

Partners: International Habitat Coalition, HIC, International Alliance of Inhabitants, IAI, Continental Federation of Communal Organizations, CFCO, Network for Popular Education and Local Empowerment, REPPOL-CEAAL Operational Center of Housing and Population, COPEVI (Mexico) UCISV (Mexico) Urban Initiatives Group, GIU (Peru) Ecuador Urban Forum, National Forum for Urban Reform, FNRU, (Brazil) National Movement of the Fight for Housing MNLM (Brazil)

Email: forourbano@riseup.net