HIC General Assembly 2005


Place: Hotel Flamenco, 2 Al Gezira al Wosta st., Zamalek, Cairo
Date: September 6, 2005; 15h00

After three days of training on the Right to Adequate Housing and of debate on processes and results of monitoring cases of housing for and by the people, the next General Assembly will table two main questions:

1·- Why and what for monitoring processes of Social Production of Habitat after 30 years? This is, why and what for networking within HIC?

2·- Which are the new issues arising related with people-centred production, upgrading and management of habitat that could settle a strategic agenda for the Coalition.

The expected outcomes of the Assembly are the identification and prioritisation of topics for monitoring people’s process and course of action and milestones for campaigns and advocacy.

The following proposed agenda:

1. Verification of Quorum
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Welcome and Introduction by HIC President, Enrique Ortiz
4. Approval of the Minutes of the previous General Assembly, Porto Alegre,
Brazil 2005
5. Identification and prioritisation of topics based on:
– The role and effectiveness of Social Production of Habitat (SPH)
– The sustainability aspects of SPH
– Risks and vantages of up-scaling SPH
– Themes and priorities for monitoring people’s process
6. Progress and Financial Reports and Plans by President and General
7. Campaigns: Housing and Land Rights Day 2005
8. Other business
9. Date and place of the next General Assembly
10. Closure

You can look at the Minutes of the previous General Assembly, Porto Alegre,
January 2005, in (English) and (Spanish). For more information or comments contact: gs@hic-net.org