HIC has 3 networks dealing with housing, land and habitat, from different approaches: human housing rights, gender perspective and sustainable environment. Your membership in HIC allows you to belong to one or more networks.
HIC-HLRN (Housing and Land Rights Network) is working worldwide through regional programs, offering a wide range of services to its members. Its three main goals are: alliance development and maintenance, empowerment and capacity building to ensure the human right to adequate housing and advocacy at all levels. All information are available here
HIC-WAH (Women and Habitat Network) activities are related to issues concerning women, housing, land and resources. It focuses its work on fostering healthy, improved and sustainable human settlements for women in low-income communities. More information available here
HIC-HSEN (Housing and Sustainable Environment Network) fosters its work on themes like globalization, including water campaign and social habitat watch activities as well as sustainable development and environment in French speaking Africa. For additional information, please contact Mrs. Khady Diagne: dia_khady@yahoo.fr
If you want to become a member or friend of these networks, please contact Marie at HIC General Secretariat (marie@hic-net.org) who will give you all info and help you to register in the Networks you are interested in.